冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第230期:第十八章 凯特琳(12)(在线收听

   They went well with the silver mockingbird that fastened his cloak. Even as a child, he had always loved his silver. 这个特质和他系住披风的银白仿声鸟倒是挺配,他从小就得意自己的少年白。

  How did you know I was in the city? she asked him. 你怎么知道我在城里?她问。
  Lord Varys knows all, Petyr said with a sly smile.  因为瓦里斯消息灵通。培提尔露出一抹促狭的微笑。
  He will be joining us shortly, but I wanted to see you alone first. It has been too long, Cat. How many years? 他马上就来,我只是想先单独见见你。凯特,我们好久不见,算算,多少年了?
  Catelyn ignored his familiarity. There were more important questions. So it was the King's Spider who found me. 凯特琳不理睬他的亲昵,如今她有比这更重要的事情要问。原来是八爪蜘蛛找到我的。
  Littlefinger winced. You don't want to call him that. He's very sensitive. Comes of being an eunuch, I imagine.  小指头皱眉道:可别当面这样叫他哟。他这人敏感得很,大概和身为太监有关吧。
  Nothing happens in this city without Varys knowing. Oftimes he knows about it before it happens. He has informants everywhere.  城里的事,瓦里斯不但都知道,还常常未卜先知。到处都有他的眼线,他称呼他们作他的小小鸟儿。
  His little birds, he calls them. One of his little birds heard about your visit. Thankfully, Varys came to me first. 他的一只小小鸟听说了你抵达的消息。谢天谢地,瓦里斯知道以后,第一个找的人是我。
  Why you? 为什么第一个找你?
  He shrugged. Why not me? I am master of coin, the king's own councillor.  他耸耸肩。为什么不呢?我是财政大臣,也是国王的御前顾问。
  Selmy and Lord Renly rode north to meet Robert, and Lord Stannis is gone to Dragonstone, leaving only Maester Pycelle and me.  赛尔弥和蓝礼公爵到北边去迎接劳勃,史坦尼斯大人回了龙石岛,只剩下派席尔国师和我。
  I was the obvious choice. I was ever a friend to your sister Lysa, Varys knows that. 我是当然的选择,何况瓦里斯知道我还是你妹妹莱莎的朋友。
  Does Varys know about? 那瓦里斯知不知道…
  Lord Varys knows everything?except why you are here. He lifted an eyebrow. Why are you here? 瓦里斯大人什么都知道……惟独不知道你为什么造访。他抬起一边眉毛。你到底为什么造访?