冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第231期:第十八章 凯特琳(13)(在线收听

   A wife is allowed to yearn for her husband, and if a mother needs her daughters close, who can tell her no? 作妻子的想念丈夫,作母亲的挂念女儿。我来拜访,有何不妥?

  Littlefinger laughed. Oh, very good, my lady, but please don't expect me to believe that. I know you too well. What were the Tully words again? 小指头笑道:呵呵,我说夫人,这借口不赖,可惜我不相信。我太了解你了。你们徒利家族的箴言是什么来着?
  Her throat was dry. Family, Duty, Honor, she recited stiffly. He did know her too well. 她喉咙一干。家族,责任,荣誉。她僵硬地复诵。他的确是太了解她了。
  Family, Duty, Honor, he echoed. All of which required you to remain in Winterfell, where our Hand left you.  家族,责任,荣誉。他应道,这每一项都要求你遵照首相嘱咐留在临冬城。
  No, my lady, something has happened. This sudden trip of yours bespeaks a certain urgency.  夫人哪,我看事情没这么简单。若非事关紧要,
  I beg of you, let me help. Old sweet friends should never hesitate to rely upon each other. There was a soft knock on the door. Enter, Littlefinger called out. 你不会这样突然来访。就请你把话说出来吧,让我为你效劳,老朋友本该戮力相助。这时门上传来一声轻响。请进。小指头叫道。
  The man who stepped through the door was plump, perfumed, powdered, and as hairless as an egg.  进来的的男子体态丰腴,脂粉味十足,头上光溜得像颗蛋。
  He wore a vest of woven gold thread over a loose gown of purple silk, and on his feet were pointed slippers of soft velvet.  他身着一件宽松的紫色丝质长袍,外罩金丝线缝制的背心,脚踏前尖后宽的天鹅绒软拖鞋。
  Lady Stark, he said, taking her hand in both of his, to see you again after so many years is such a joy.  史塔克夫人,他双掌执起她的手,阔别多年,不料今日相见,真是叫人欢欣鼓舞。
  His flesh was soft and moist, and his breath smelled of lilacs. Oh, your poor hands.  他的皮肤柔软而湿润,呼吸有丁香花的味道。
  Have you burned yourself, sweet lady? The fingers are so delicate?.?.?.?Our good Maester Pycelle makes a marvelous salve, shall I send for a jar? 哎呀,您的手是怎么了?亲爱的夫人,敢情您不小心给烫到了?如此纤纤玉手竟然……咱们派席尔大学士调制的药膏疗效一流,要不我这就差人给您送一罐?