冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第235期:第十八章 凯特琳(17)(在线收听

   When Loras Tyrell unhorsed him, many of us became a trifle poorer.  所以当洛拉斯·提利尔爵士把他一枪刺下马时,我们都输了点小东西。

  Ser Jaime lost a hundred golden dragons, the queen lost an emerald pendant, and I lost my knife. Her Grace got the emerald back, but the winner kept the rest. 詹姆爵士输掉一百枚金龙币,王后赔上一条翡翠首饰,而我则是这把刀。赢家放过了王后陛下的翡翠,但把其他东西都留下了。
  Who? Catelyn demanded, her mouth dry with fear. Her fingers ached with remembered pain. 此人是谁?凯特琳质问,她的嘴巴因恐惧而干涩,手指头则因回忆而隐隐作痛。
  The Imp, said Littlefinger as Lord Varys watched her face. Tyrion Lannister. 小恶魔,小指头说。瓦里斯伯爵在一旁看着她的脸。提利昂·兰尼斯特。
  The courtyard rang to the song of swords. 刀剑铿锵响彻广场。
  Under black wool, boiled leather, and mail, sweat trickled icily down Jon's chest as he pressed the attack.  琼恩穿着黑羊毛衫,外罩皮革背心和锁子甲,内里汗如雨下。
  Grenn stumbled backward, defending himself clumsily. When he raised his sword,  他向前进逼,葛兰脚步不稳地后退,笨拙地举剑格挡。
  Jon went underneath it with a sweeping blow that crunched against the back of the other boy's leg and sent him staggering.  他刚举剑,琼恩便猛力一挥攻他下盘,击中他的脚,打得他步伐踉跄。
  Grenn's downcut was answered by an overhand that dented his helm. When he tried a sideswing, Jon swept aside his blade and slammed a mailed forearm into his chest.  葛兰向下还击,头上却挨了一记过肩砍,将他的头盔打凹。他又使出一记侧劈,结果琼恩拨开他的剑,然后用戴了护腕的手肘撞击他的腹部。
  Grenn lost his footing and sat down hard in the snow. Jon knocked his sword from his fingers with a slash to his wrist that brought a cry of pain. 葛兰重心不稳,狠狠地跌坐在雪地里。琼恩跟上砍中他的腕关节,痛得他惨叫一声丢下剑。
  Enough! Ser Alliser Thorne had a voice with an edge like Valyrian steel. 够了!艾里沙·索恩爵士的话音如瓦雷利亚刀锋裂空。
  Grenn cradled his hand. The bastard broke my wrist. 葛兰揉着手道:这野种把我手腕打脱臼了。