冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第244期:第十八章 凯特琳(26)(在线收听

   It's true. I saw it, one of the rapers put in. 是真的,俺亲眼看到的。其中一名强奸犯说。

  He broke my wrist, Grenn said again, holding it out to Noye for inspection. 他把我的手给打断了。葛兰边说边举起手给诺伊看。
  The armorer gave the offered wrist the briefest of glances.  武器师傅瞟了他手腕一眼,
  A bruise. Perhaps a sprain. Maester Aemon will give you a salve.  我看只是擦伤,顶多扭到,伊蒙师傅那里有的是好膏药。
  Go with him, Todder, that head wants looking after. The rest of you, return to your cells. Not you, Snow. You stay. 陶德,你跟他一块去,头上的伤注意一下。其他人回营去。雪诺留下。
  Jon sat heavily on the long wooden bench as the others left, oblivious to the looks they gave him, the silent promises of future retribution. His arm was throbbing. 琼恩重重地坐回长板凳,不理睬其他人离去时的眼神,那眼神仿佛在向他保证事情没这么容易解决。他的手一阵抽痛。
  The Watch has need of every man it can get, Donal Noye said when they were alone. Even men like Toad. You won't win any honors killing him. 守夜人需要每一份力量,待他人都离开后,唐纳诺伊道,甚至像是癞哈蟆这种人。杀了他,你也没什么光荣可言。
  Jon's anger flared. He said my mother was... 琼恩怒火中烧。他说我妈是—
  ...a whore. I heard him. What of it? 是个婊子。我听到了。那又如何?
  Lord Eddard Stark was not a man to sleep with whores, Jon said icily. His honor... 艾德史塔克公爵才不是会去逛窑子的人,琼恩冷冷地说,他的荣誉...
  did not prevent him from fathering a bastard. Did it? 免不了他在外面生出个私生子,不是么?
  Jon was cold with rage. Can I go? 琼恩气得浑身发冷。我可以走了吗?
  You go when I tell you to go. 我说可以你才可以。
  Jon stared sullenly at the smoke rising from the brazier, until Noye took him under the chin, thick fingers twisting his head around.  琼恩恨恨地盯着火盆升起的白烟,直到诺伊伸出粗壮的手托住他下巴,把他的头粗暴地扭过来。
  Look at me when I'm talking to you, boy. 小子,我跟你说话的时候看着我。
  Jon looked. The armorer had a chest like a keg of ale and a gut to match.  于是琼恩看着他。武器师傅的胸膛宽阔得像个酒桶,肚子更是大得惊人。
  His nose was flat and broad, and he always seemed in need of a shave.  他的鼻子又宽又扁,那一脸胡子好似从来没刮。
  The left sleeve of his black wool tunic was fastened at the shoulder with a silver pin in the shape of a longsword.  他的黑羊毛外衣左襟用一个长剑形状的别针系在肩头。