冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第251期:第十八章 凯特琳(33)(在线收听

   The rangers say it's just woods and mountains and frozen lakes, with lots of snow and ice. 游骑兵说墙外不过就是树林、山脉和结冻的湖泊,一片冰天雪地。

  And the grumkins and the snarks, Tyrion said. Let us not forget them, Lord Snow, or else what's that big thing for? 还有害人的古灵精怪呐,提利昂说,可别忘了,雪诺大人。否则大伙儿干嘛这么大动干戈?
  Don't call me Lord Snow. 不要叫我雪诺大人。
  The dwarf lifted an eyebrow. Would you rather be called the Imp? Let them see that their words can cut you, and you'll never be free of the mockery.  侏儒扬扬眉毛。难道我喜欢被人叫小恶魔?一旦别人发现绰号对你的杀伤力,这绰号就跟定你啦。
  If they want to give you a name, take it, make it your own.  既然他们爱给你起绰号,你就大大方方地接受,最好还装出乐在其中的样子,
  Then they can't hurt you with it anymore. He gestured with his stick.  那他们就再也伤不了你了。他举起拐杖指指前方。
  Come, walk with me. They'll be serving some vile stew in the common hall by now, and I could do with a bowl of something hot. 哪,跟我走走。他们这会儿应该在大厅里弄那难吃的汤了,我正想喝点热的。
  Jon was hungry too, so he fell in beside Lannister and slowed his pace to match the dwarf's awkward, waddling steps.  琼恩也饿了,所以他走在兰尼斯特身边,刻意放慢脚步以配合侏儒笨拙而古怪的姿势。
  The wind was rising, and they could hear the old wooden buildings creaking around them, and in the distance a heavy shutter banging, over and over, forgotten.  风势渐大,他们可以听见周围木屋嘎吱作响。远处,一道被遗忘的厚重窗户反复噼砰。
  Once there was a muffled thump as a blanket of snow slid from a roof and landed near them. 一堆雪从屋顶滑下,落在他们身边,发出低沉的撞击。
  I don't see your wolf, Lannister said as they walked. 没见你的狼呢。兰尼斯特边走边说。
  I chain him up in the old stables when we're training.  训练的时候,我把它拴在旧马房那边。
  They board all the horses in the east stables now, so no one bothers him.  他们现在把马都关在东边的马厩,所以不会碍着他。
  The rest of the time he stays with me. My sleeping cell is in Hardin's Tower. 其他时候他都跟着我,我睡在哈丁塔。
  That's the one with the broken battlement, no? Shattered stone in the yard below, and a lean to it like our noble king Robert after a long night's drinking?  就那座连城垛都塌掉的塔,是吗?那塔下面的广场都是碎石头,整个还歪歪斜斜,跟咱们高贵的劳勃国王酒醉后一个德行。
  I thought all those buildings had been abandoned. 我以为那些塔早就废弃不用了。