冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第253期:第十八章 凯特琳(35)(在线收听

   Uncle Benjen said they might search as far as the Shadow Tower. That's all the way up in the mountains. 班扬叔叔说他们会一直搜索到影子塔,一路深入群山。

  I hear that a good many rangers have vanished of late, Lannister said as they mounted the steps to the common hall. He grinned and pulled open the door.  听说近来有不少游骑兵好手失踪。他们一边登上大厅的阶梯,兰尼斯特一边说,他嘻嘻笑着打开门。
  Perhaps the grumkins are hungry this year. 也许古灵精怪今年特别饿罢。
  Inside, the hall was immense and drafty, even with a fire roaring in its great hearth.  进入厅堂,虽然炉火熊熊,仍旧感觉地方宽敞,寒气逼人。
  Crows nested in the timbers of its lofty ceiling. Jon heard their cries overhead as he accepted a bowl of stew and a heel of black bread from the day's cooks.  乌鸦栖息于高敞的木天花板上,在众人头顶嘎嘎叫着。琼恩从厨子手中接过一碗肉汤和大块黑面包。
  Grenn and Toad and some of the others were seated at the bench nearest the warmth, laughing and cursing each other in rough voices.  葛兰、癞哈蟆和其他几人坐在最靠近火炉的长凳上,彼此粗声笑闹咒骂。
  Jon eyed them thoughtfully for a moment. Then he chose a spot at the far end of the hall, well away from the other diners. 琼恩若有所思地看了他们一会,然后在大厅的角落挑了个位子坐下,远远离开其他人。
  Tyrion Lannister sat across from him, sniffing at the stew suspiciously. Barley, onion, carrot, he muttered.  提利昂·兰尼斯特坐在他对面,一脸狐疑地嗅着浓汤。大麦、洋葱、胡萝卜,他喃喃念道,
  Someone should tell the cooks that turnip isn't a meat. 这些煮饭的到底知不知道芜箐不能当肉啊?
  It's mutton stew. Jon pulled off his gloves and warmed his hands in the steam rising from the bowl. The smell made his mouth water.Snow. 这是羊肉浓汤耶。琼恩脱下手套,探手到汤碗溢出的热气里取暖。闻到肉香他口水都流了下来。雪诺。
  Jon knew Alliser Thorne's voice, but there was a curious note in it that he had not heard before. He turned. 琼恩认得艾里沙·索恩的声音,但这回话中却有种他从前没听过的语气,他转过头。
  The Lord Commander wants to see you. Now. 司令大人要见你。现在就去。