冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第254期:第十八章 凯特琳(36)(在线收听

   For a moment Jon was too frightened to move. Why would the Lord Commander want to see him?  一时之间琼恩吓得不敢动弹。为什么总司令要见他?

  They had heard something about Benjen, he thought wildly, he was dead, the vision had come true. Is it my uncle? he blurted. Is he returned safe? 难道他们有了班扬的消息,他胡乱揣测,一定是他死了,他的想像果然成真。是我叔叔的事吗?他冲口而问,他平安回来了吗?
  The Lord Commander is not accustomed to waiting, was Ser Alliser's reply.  司令大人平素可不习惯等人。艾里沙这么回答,
  And I am not accustomed to having my commands questioned by bastards. 而我更不习惯下了命令还要听野种问东问西。
  Tyrion Lannister swung off the bench and rose. Stop it, Thorne. You're frightening the boy. 提利昂·兰尼斯特霍地跳下长凳,站起身道:够了,索恩,你吓着他了。
  Keep out of matters that don't concern you, Lannister. You have no place here. 兰尼斯特,你少管闲事,你没资格在这儿说话。
  I have a place at court, though, the dwarf said, smiling.  在朝廷里就不一样喽。侏儒微笑,
  A word in the right ear, and you'll die a sour old man before you get another boy to train.  我只消几句,你下半辈子就准备当个孤苦老人,别想再训练小毛头了。
  Now tell Snow why the Old Bear needs to see him. Is there news of his uncle? 快告诉雪诺熊老找他干嘛,到底是不是他叔叔的事?
  No, Ser Alliser said. This is another matter entirely. A bird arrived this morning from Winterfell, with a message that concerns his brother.  不是。艾里沙道,完全两码子事。今天早上有信鸦从临冬城飞来,带来他弟弟的消息。