冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第256期:第十八章 赫德(2)(在线收听

   My wagons are still straggling through the city. I shall need appropriate garments. 我的马车还在城里半路上。我需要合适的衣服。

  It will be my great pleasure, the steward said. 为您服务是我莫大的荣幸。总管道。
  And so Ned had come striding into the council chambers, bone-tired and dressed in borrowed clothing, to find four members of the small council waiting for him. 于是,筋疲力尽的奈德,就这么穿着借来的衣服,大步走进议事厅,发现四名重臣正在等他。
  The chamber was richly furnished. Myrish carpets covered the floor instead of rushes,  议事厅的陈设极为华丽。地板上铺的是密尔地毯,而非灯芯草席。
  and in one corner a hundred fabulous beasts cavorted in bright paints on a carved screen from the Summer Isles.  房间一角摆着一幅来自盛夏群岛的木屏风,上面雕刻有上百种栩栩如生、色彩斑斓的珍禽异兽。
  The walls were hung with tapestries from Norvos and Qohor and Lys, and a pair of Valyrian sphinxes flanked the door, eyes of polished garnet smoldering in black marble faces. 墙壁上则挂满了诺佛斯、科霍尔和里斯产的精美织锦。门两侧是一对瓦雷利亚的狮身人面兽雕像,圆润的红榴石双眼在黑色大理石的脸上显得炯炯有神。
  The councillor Ned liked least, the eunuch Varys, accosted him the moment he entered. Lord Stark, I was grievous sad to hear about your troubles on the kingsroad.  奈德前脚刚踏进房间,几位重臣中他最嫌恶的太监瓦里斯便靠了过来。史塔克大人,我听说了您在国王大道上遇到的麻烦事儿,真令人遗憾哪。
  We have all been visiting the sept to light candles for Prince Joffrey. I pray for his recovery.  我们都去圣堂为乔佛里王子点了蜡烛,祈祷他早日康复。
  His hand left powder stains on Ned's sleeve, and he smelled as foul and sweet as flowers on a grave. 他的手在奈德袖子上留下脂粉的痕迹。他浑身散发出腐败的甜腻气息,闻起来活像生在坟墓上的花。
  Your gods have heard you, Ned replied, cool yet polite. The prince grows stronger every day.  你的神想必听到了你的祷告,奈德冷淡而有礼地回答,王子的健康状况已日渐好转。
  He disentangled himself from the eunuch's grip and crossed the room to where Lord Renly stood by the screen, talking quietly with a short man who could only be Littlefinger.  他从太监掌中抽出手,穿过房间朝蓝礼公爵走去。蓝礼正站在屏风旁,小声地和一名矮个男子交谈,那人必是小指头无疑。