冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第257期:第十八章 赫德(3)(在线收听

   Renly had been a boy of eight when Robert won the throne, but he had grown into a man so like his brother that Ned found it disconcerting.  劳勃刚夺下王位时,蓝礼不过是个七岁小男生,如今他已长大成人,神貌酷似乃兄,奈德为此觉得极不自在。

  Whenever he saw him, it was as if the years had slipped away and Robert stood before him, fresh from his victory on the Trident. 每次见到他,都仿佛时光倒流,看到那个英气勃发,甫从三叉戟河得胜归来的劳勃站在面前。
  I see you have arrived safely, Lord Stark, Renly said. 史塔克大人,看来您安然抵达了。蓝礼道。
  And you as well, Ned replied. You must forgive me, but sometimes you look the very image of your brother Robert. 您不也是。奈德回答,恕我直言,有时候您和您哥哥劳勃真像一个模子打出来的。
  A poor copy, Renly said with a shrug. 我哪比得上他。蓝礼耸耸肩。
  Though much better dressed, Littlefinger quipped. Lord Renly spends more on clothing than half the ladies of the court. 您至少穿得比他好。小指头俏皮地说,蓝礼大人花在衣服上的钱,宫里的夫人太太恐怕都没几个比得上。
  It was true enough.  此话倒是不假。
  Lord Renly was in dark green velvet, with a dozen golden stags embroidered on his doublet.  蓝礼公爵穿着暗绿天鹅绒紧身衣,上面绣了十二头金色雄鹿。
  A cloth-of-gold half cape was draped casually across one shoulder, fastened with an emerald brooch.  一边肩头潇洒地垂着织金半披风,用一枚翡翠胸针别起。
  There are worse crimes, Renly said with a laugh.  这应该算不上滔天大罪。蓝礼笑道。
  The way you dress, for one. 瞧瞧你穿的什么德行,那才失礼。
  Littlefinger ignored the jibe.  小指头不理会他的嘲笑。
  He eyed Ned with a smile on his lips that bordered on insolence.  他嘴角挂着近乎轻慢的微笑看着奈德。
  I have hoped to meet you for some years, Lord Stark. No doubt Lady Catelyn has mentioned me to you. 史塔克大人,这些年来我一直想见见您。我想凯特琳夫人应该向您提起过我吧?
  She has, Ned replied with a chill in his voice. The sly arrogance of the comment rankled him.  她是提过。奈德冷冷地答道。对方这句傲慢中带着促狭的话惹恼了他。
  I understand you knew my brother Brandon as well. 如果我没记错的话,你也认识我哥哥布兰登。
  Renly Baratheon laughed. Varys shuffled over to listen. 蓝礼·拜拉席恩哈哈大笑。瓦里斯则曳步凑来。