冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第259期:第十八章 赫德(5)(在线收听

   Perhaps we might begin soon, the Grand Maester said, hands knitting together atop his broad stomach. I fear I shall fall asleep if we wait much longer. 我们不妨开始罢。大学士把手放在大肚子上反复揉搓,再等下去,只怕我就要睡着了。

  As you will. The king's seat sat empty at the head of the table, the crowned stag of Baratheon embroidered in gold thread on its pillows.  如您所愿,国王在会议桌的首位空着,那椅子靠背上用金线绣着拜拉席恩家族的宝冠雄鹿。
  Ned took the chair beside it, as the right hand of his king. My lords, he said formally, I am sorry to have kept you waiting. 奈德拣了国王右边,象征国王右手的位子坐下。诸位大人,他正色道,很抱歉让大家久等。
  You are the King's Hand, Varys said. We serve at your pleasure, Lord Stark. 史塔克大人,您是国王的首相,瓦里斯道,为您效劳就是我们职责所在。
  As the others took their accustomed seats, it struck Eddard Stark forcefully that he did not belong here, in this room, with these men.  眼看其他人纷纷在自己固有的座位落坐,艾德·史塔克才猛然惊觉此时此地自己是多么格格不入。
  He remembered what Robert had told him in the crypts below Winterfell. I am surrounded by flatterers and fools, the king had insisted.  他忆起劳勃在临冬城墓窖里对他说过的话,我身边净是些白痴和马屁精。
  Ned looked down the council table and wondered which were the flatterers and which the fools.  奈德朝会议桌看去,暗自揣测哪些是白痴,哪些又是马屁精。
  He thought he knew already. We are but five, he pointed out. 答案他已了然于心。我们只有五人。他指出。
  Lord Stannis took himself to Dragonstone not long after the king went north, Varys said,  国王北行之后没多久,史坦尼斯大人便回了龙石岛。瓦里斯道,
  and our gallant Ser Barristan no doubt rides beside the king as he makes his way through the city, as befits the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. 至于我们英勇的巴利斯坦爵士,此刻无疑正随侍国王身边,护送他穿过城市罢。身为御林铁卫队长,这是他职责所在呢。
  Perhaps we had best wait for Ser Barristan and the king to join us, Ned suggested. 或许我们该等巴利斯坦爵士和陛下加入之后再开始。奈德提议。
  Renly Baratheon laughed aloud. If we wait for my brother to grace us with his royal presence, it could be a long sit. 蓝礼·拜拉席恩朗声笑道:要等我老哥赏脸,那不知到何年何月啰。