冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第261期:第十八章 赫德(7)(在线收听

   Ninety thousand gold pieces, Littlefinger sighed. And we must not neglect the other costs. Robert will want a prodigious feast.  一共九万金币。小指头叹道,还得加上其他开销。想也知道劳勃一定要大宴宾客。

  That means cooks, carpenters, serving girls, singers, jugglers, fools. 也就是说我们需要厨师、木匠、女侍、歌手、戏子伶人和杂耍傻子…
  Fools we have in plenty, Lord Renly said. 傻子我们倒是不愁找到。蓝礼公爵说。
  Grand Maester Pycelle looked to Littlefinger and asked, Will the treasury bear the expense? 派席尔总师看着小指头问:国库付得出这笔款子?
  What treasury is that? Littlefinger replied with a twist of his mouth.  哪来的国库?小指头撇撇嘴,
  Spare me the foolishness, Maester. You know as well as I that the treasury has been empty for years.  大学士您就别装蒜了,你我都很清楚国库已经空了好多年。
  I shall have to borrow the money. No doubt the Lannisters will be accommodating.  还不是得伸手借钱,想必兰尼斯特家会很乐意支援。
  We owe Lord Tywin some three million dragons at present, what matter another hundred thousand? 反正咱们已经欠了泰温大人三百多万金龙,再借个几十万算什么?
  Ned was stunned. Are you claiming that the Crown is three million gold pieces in debt? 奈德震惊无比。你说王室负债高达三百万金币?
  The Crown is more than six million gold pieces in debt, Lord Stark. The Lannisters are the biggest part of it,  史塔克大人,此刻王室负债总额超过六百万。兰尼斯特家是最大的债主,
  but we have also borrowed from Lord Tyrell, the Iron Bank of Braavos, and several Tyroshi trading cartels.  但我们也向提利尔大人、布拉佛斯的铁金库,还有好些泰洛西商行借过款。
  Of late I've had to turn to the Faith. The High Septon haggles worse than a Dornish fishmonger. 最近我不得不另辟财源,把主意动到了教会头上,总主教大人讨价还价的本领之高,连多恩的鱼贩都比不上。
  Ned was aghast. Aerys Targaryen left a treasury flowing with gold. How could you let this happen? 奈德简直错愕到无以复加。伊里斯·坦格利安留下了堆积如山的金银财宝,你怎么会让它沦落到这步田地?
  Littlefinger gave a shrug. The master of coin finds the money. The king and the Hand spend it. 小指头耸肩:财政大臣只管找钱,花钱的是国王和首相。