冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第263期:第十八章 赫德(9)(在线收听

   If so, he might be hours behind, but he would still be here too soon for Ned's liking. He had only to look at Sansa's face to feel the rage twisting inside him once again.  若真是如此,他应该还要几个小时才会出现,这已经比奈德期望的要早上许多了。如今他只消看看珊莎的脸,就觉得心中怒火又要升起。

  The last fortnight of their journey had been a misery. Sansa blamed Arya and told her that it should have been Nymeria who died.  旅途的最后两周实在苦不堪言。珊莎责怪艾莉亚,说被杀的应该是娜梅莉亚。
  And Arya was lost after she heard what had happened to her butcher's boy.  艾莉亚在得知屠夫学徒的死讯后就魂不守舍。
  Sansa cried herself to sleep, Arya brooded silently all day long, and Eddard Stark dreamed of a frozen hell reserved for the Starks of Winterfell. 珊莎每晚哭着入眠,艾莉亚一声不吭地独自忧伤,艾德·史塔克自己则梦见了一个专为临冬城史塔克家人准备的冰冻地狱。
  He crossed the outer yard, passed under a portcullis into the inner bailey,  他穿越外庭,走过闸门,进入内院,
  and was walking toward what he thought was the Tower of the Hand when Littlefinger appeared in front of him.  正朝他印象中首相塔的所在走去时,小指头突然出现在面前。
  You're going the wrong way, Stark. Come with me. 史塔克,你走错路了,跟我来。
  Hesitantly, Ned followed. Littlefinger led him into a tower, down a stair, across a small sunken courtyard,  奈德犹豫不决地跟着他,小指头带他进入一座塔,下了一道蜿蜒的阶梯,
  and along a deserted corridor where empty suits of armor stood sentinel along the walls.  穿越一个凹陷的小庭院,沿着荒废的回廊行走。两旁墙壁,一副副无人使用的铠甲好似站立的卫兵。
  They were relics of the Targaryens, black steel with dragon scales cresting their helms, now dusty and forgotten.  他们是坦格利安家族遗留下来的历史陈迹,黑色精钢打造,头盔镶着龙鳞,但如今积满灰尘,早已被人遗忘。
  This is not the way to my chambers, Ned said. 这不是通往我居室的路。奈德道。
  Did I say it was? I'm leading you to the dungeons to slit your throat and seal your corpse up behind a wall, Littlefinger replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.  我说过是吗?我正打算把你引进地牢,割了喉咙,再把你的尸体封进墙里。小指头语带讥讽。
  We have no time for this, Stark. Your wife awaits. 史塔克,我们没时间废话,尊夫人正等着你。