冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第274期:第十八章 赫德(20)(在线收听

   That was the most dangerous part, Ned knew. All justice flows from the king, he told her.  接下来是最危险的部分,奈德明白。国王乃是至高的法律仲裁,他告诉她,

  When I know the truth, I must go to Robert. And pray that he is the man I think he is, he finished silently, and not the man I fear he has become. 待我查明真相,我将觐见劳勃。届时我只能祈祷他仍保有意想中的英明,而非我所恐惧的昏庸,他在心里默默地说完。
  Are you certain that you must leave us so soon? the Lord Commander asked him. 你真急着要走?总司令问他。
  Past certain, Lord Mormont, Tyrion replied. My brother Jaime will be wondering what has become of me.  急不可待啊,莫尔蒙大人。提利昂答道,不然詹姆老哥就要担心我出了事,
  He may decide that you have convinced me to take the black. 搞不好还以为您劝说我加入黑衣军了呢。
  Would that I could. Mormont picked up a crab claw and cracked it in his fist. Old as he was, the Lord Commander still had the strength of a bear.  果真能如此倒好。莫尔蒙拣起一只蟹爪,喀啦一声用手剥开。总司令年纪虽然大了,却仍然有熊一般的力量。
  You're a cunning man, Tyrion. We have need of men of your sort on the Wall. 提利昂,你生了副好头脑,长城守军很需要你这样的人。
  Tyrion grinned. Then I shall scour the Seven Kingdoms for dwarfs and ship them all to you, Lord Mormont.  提利昂嘻笑道:莫尔蒙大人,为您这句话,我一定得把全国的侏儒通通找来给您。
  As they laughed, he sucked the meat from a crab leg and reached for another.  趁众人哄堂大笑,他把蟹角的肉吸进嘴,伸手又拿一只。
  The crabs had arrived from Eastwatch only this morning, packed in a barrel of snow, and they were succulent. 这些螃蟹当天早上才从东海望运来,送到的时候还冷冻在冰桶里,因此特别鲜美多汁。