冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第275期:第十八章 赫德(21)(在线收听

   Ser Alliser Thorne was the only man at table who did not so much as crack a smile. Lannister mocks us. 艾里沙·索恩爵士是席间惟一没笑的人。这兰尼斯特明明是在讽刺我们。

  Only you, Ser Alliser, Tyrion said. This time the laughter round the table had a nervous, uncertain quality to it. 不是'你们',艾里沙爵士,是你。提利昂道。这次席间的笑声里隐隐带着焦虑不安的气氛。
  Thorne's black eyes fixed on Tyrion with loathing. You have a bold tongue for someone who is less than half a man.  索恩盯住提利昂,黑眼睛里带着憎恨。我看你个头虽然半个人都不到,说起话来倒是口无遮拦。
  Perhaps you and I should visit the yard together. 或许我们应该下场子较量较量。
  Why? asked Tyrion. The crabs are here. 何苦呢?提利昂问,螃蟹都在这儿呐。
  The remark brought more guffaws from the others. Ser Alliser stood up, his mouth a tight line. Come and make your japes with steel in your hand. 此话一出,众人更是捧腹狂笑。艾里沙爵士抿紧嘴唇,站了起来。有种你拿上武器,再开玩笑试试看。
  Tyrion looked pointedly at his right hand. Why, I have steel in my hand, Ser Alliser, although it appears to be a crab fork.  提利昂故意看看自己右手。哎呀,艾里沙爵士,这会儿我不就握着武器嘛,虽然只是把吃螃蟹的叉子。
  Shall we duel? He hopped up on his chair and began poking at Thorne's chest with the tiny fork. Roars of laughter filled the tower room.  怎么,咱们要不要比划比划?他跳上椅子,开始用那把小叉子戳索恩的胸膛。人们的笑声简直连屋顶都要掀翻。
  Bits of crab flew from the Lord Commander's mouth as he began to gasp and choke.  总司令更是连蟹肉都喷了出来,呛得边咳嗽边喘气。
  Even his raven joined in, cawing loudly from above the window. Duel! Duel! Duel! 他的乌鸦也没闲着,从窗边大声怪叫:比划!比划!比划!
  Ser Alliser Thorne walked from the room so stiffly it looked as though he had a dagger up his butt. 艾里沙·索恩爵士僵着身子离开大厅,那模样就像胸前被人插了一把匕首。
  Mormont was still gasping for breath. Tyrion pounded him on the back. To the victor goes the spoils, he called out. I claim Thorne's share of the crabs. 莫尔蒙仍然喘不过气,提利昂拍拍他的背。战利品归胜利者所有,他高声宣布,索恩的螃蟹是我的啦。
  Finally the Lord Commander recovered himself. You are a wicked man, to provoke our Ser Alliser so, he scolded. 总司令好不容易恢复过来。你看你把咱们艾里沙爵士整成什么样了,你真是个坏心眼的家伙。他责怪道。