冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第276期:第十八章 赫德(22)(在线收听

   Tyrion seated himself and took a sip of wine. If a man paints a target on his chest, he should expect that sooner or later someone will loose an arrow at him.  提利昂正襟危坐,啜了口葡萄酒。有人要在胸前划上标靶,就该有挨箭的心理准备。

  I have seen dead men with more humor than your Ser Alliser. 比你们艾里沙爵士还有幽默感的死人我见得多了。
  Not so, objected the Lord Steward, Bowen Marsh, a man as round and red as a pomegranate. You ought to hear the droll names he gives the lads he trains. 这样说就不公平了。总务长波文·马尔锡长得又红又胖,活像颗石榴。你应该听听他帮手下受训的小鬼起的绰号有多可笑。
  Tyrion had heard a few of those droll names.  提利昂知道几个这样的绰号。
  I'll wager the lads have a few names for him as well, he said.  我敢打赌那些小鬼帮他取的绰号也不少。
  Chip the ice off your eyes, my good lords. Ser Alliser Thorne should be mucking out your stables, not drilling your young warriors. 他说:各位大人,擦亮你们的眼睛吧。艾里沙·索恩爵士能做的是清理马粪,而非训练新兵。
  The Watch has no shortage of stableboys, Lord Mormont grumbled.  守夜人一点也不缺马夫。莫尔蒙司令咕哝道,
  That seems to be all they send us these days. Stableboys and sneak thieves and rapers.  这年头送来的都是这路货色。不是马僮,就是小偷或强奸犯。
  Ser Alliser is an anointed knight, one of the few to take the black since I have been Lord Commander. He fought bravely at King's Landing. 艾里沙爵士是我接任司令以来,参加黑衣军的少数几位经正式册封的骑士。他在君临之战中表现很英勇。
  On the wrong side, Ser Jaremy Rykker commented dryly. I ought to know, I was there on the battlements beside him.  只可惜站错了队,杰瑞米·莱克爵士冷冷地说,偏偏我跟他一块犯傻。当时我同他站在城墙上,
  Tywin Lannister gave us a splendid choice. Take the black, or see our heads on spikes before evenfall. No offense intended, Tyrion. 泰温·兰尼斯特开出的条件宽厚得紧,要嘛穿上黑衣,不然就等着天黑前头被插上枪尖。啊,提利昂,我这话可不是找你碴。
  None taken, Ser Jaremy. My father is very fond of spiked heads, especially those of people who have annoyed him in some fashion.  没关系,杰瑞米爵士。我老爸很爱把首级挂城墙上,尤其是惹过他的人。
  And a face as noble as yours, well, no doubt he saw you decorating the city wall above the King's Gate. I think you would have looked very striking up there. 以您这张高贵的脸嘛,呃,我看他八成会把你的头挂上国王大门。我猜一定特别引人注目。