冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第278期:第十八章 赫德(24)(在线收听

   Much later, when the serious business of eating was done and the others had left,  晚膳用毕,旁人陆续离去之后,莫尔蒙请提利昂在火炉边坐下,

  Mormont offered Tyrion a chair beside the fire and a cup of mulled spirits so strong they brought tears to his eyes.  递给他一杯烫过的酒,辛辣得使他眼泪都流了下来。
  The kingsroad can be perilous this far north, the Lord Commander told him as they drank. 我们地处极北,国王大道这里的路段恐怕好生危险。他们边喝酒,总司令官边说。
  I have Jyck and Morrec, Tyrion said, and Yoren is riding south again. 我有杰克和莫里斯,提利昂道,而且尤伦正好也要南下。
  Yoren is only one man. The Watch shall escort you as far as Winterfell, Mormont announced in a tone that brooked no argument. Three men should be sufficient. 尤伦一个人怎么够。守夜人会护送你到临冬城。莫尔蒙的口气不容辩驳。至少要三个人。
  If you insist, my lord, Tyrion said. You might send young Snow. He would be glad for a chance to see his brothers. 司令大人,那我就恭敬不如从命。提利昂说,您不妨派出雪诺那小子,让他跟兄弟见个面也好。
  Mormont frowned through his thick grey beard. Snow? Oh, the Stark bastard. I think not.  莫尔蒙隔着厚厚的灰胡子皱眉道:雪诺?喔,你是说史塔克那个私生子啊。我看不妥。
  The young ones need to forget the lives they left behind them, the brothers and mothers and all that.  年轻人得忘掉他们过去的生活,不管兄弟还是老妈都得放下。
  A visit home would only stir up feelings best left alone. I know these things.  回家探亲只会再度激起这些早该忘却的情感。我很清楚这些事。
  My own blood kin...my sister Maege rules Bear Island now, since my son's dishonor.  我自己的家人…自我儿子辱没家门,只剩我妹妹梅姬接手统治熊岛,
  I have nieces I have never seen. He took a swallow. Besides, Jon Snow is only a boy.  我有好些外甥女都没见过。他灌了口酒。再说,雪诺只是个小鬼。
  You shall have three strong swords, to keep you safe. 我要派三个强壮的战士来确保你的安全。
  I am touched by your concern, Lord Mormont.  莫尔蒙大人,我真是太感激您的关心了。
  The strong drink was making Tyrion light-headed, but not so drunk that he did not realize that the Old Bear wanted something from him.  烈酒让提利昂飘飘欲醉,但还不至于醉到分不清熊老有事相求的地步。
  I hope I can repay your kindness. 希望我能回报您的恩情。