冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第285期:第十八章 赫德(31)(在线收听

   Bring him in, damn it. There was a grunt and a loud groaning of wood as the cage slid sideways and then the Wall was beneath him.  让他进来罢,天杀的。铁笼开始朝长城平移,木头嘎吱作响,发出痛苦的呻吟。

  Tyrion waited until the swinging had stopped before he pushed open the cage door and hopped down onto the ice.  提利昂直等铁笼停止晃动方才打开闸门,跳到结冰的地面。
  A heavy figure in black was leaning on the winch, while a second held the cage with a gloved hand.  一个体格魁梧的黑衣人正靠在绞盘上,另一个则戴着手套托住铁笼。
  Their faces were muffled in woolen scarves so only their eyes showed, and they were plump with layers of wool and leather, black on black.  他们用羊毛围巾裹住脸,所以只看得到眼睛。由于穿了好几层黑羊毛和皮革,看起来相当肥胖。
  And what will you be wanting, this time of night? the one by the winch asked. 三更半夜的,你跑来这干啥?站在绞盘边的人问。
  A last look. 来看最后一眼。
  The men exchanged sour glances. Look all you want, the other one said.  两人无奈地对视一眼。小个子,爱怎么看随你。另一人道,
  Just have a care you don't fall off, little man. The Old Bear would have our hides.  只要别摔下去就成,不然熊老非把咱俩皮扒了不可。
  A small wooden shack stood under the great crane,  起重机下有座木造小屋,
  and Tyrion saw the dull glow of a brazier and felt a brief gust of warmth when the winch men opened the door and went back inside. And then he was alone. 当那个拉绞盘的人开门进去时,提利昂隐约看到里面传出火盆阴暗的光亮,感到些微的暖意,然后便只剩下他孤零零一个人。
  It was bitingly cold up here, and the wind pulled at his clothes like an insistent lover.  冷得刺骨,风像急切的情人般撕扯他的衣服。
  The top of the Wall was wider than the kingsroad often was, so Tyrion had no fear of falling, although the footing was slicker than he would have liked.  长城比此地的国王大道还要宽敞,所以提利昂无须担心失足坠落,可地表的确太滑。
  The brothers spread crushed stone across the walkways, but the weight of countless footsteps would melt the Wall beneath,  黑衣弟兄们在通道上铺满了碎石,但长时间的踩踏早已磨平了地面,
  so the ice would seem to grow around the gravel, swallowing it, until the path was bare again and it was time to crush more stone. 于是冰渐渐填满砂砾间的缝隙,吞噬了碎石。等到通道被再度磨平,又得重新铺上碎石。