冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第291期:第十九章 艾莉亚(1)(在线收听

   The first night they sent me up here, I thought, Uncle Benjen will ride back tonight, and I'll see him first and blow the horn. He never came, though.  他们派我上来的第一个晚上,我以为班扬叔叔当晚便会回来,我会第一个见着他,吹响报讯的号角。只是他当夜没有回来,一直没有,

  Not that night and not any night. 而我夜夜都在等他。
  Give him time, Tyrion said. 多给他点时间罢。提利昂说。
  Far off to the north, a wolf began to howl. Another voice picked up the call, then another.  遥遥北疆传来一声狼嚎,跟着一只接一只的狼加入长吼。
  Ghost cocked his head and listened. If he doesn't come back, Jon Snow promised, Ghost and I will go find him. He put his hand on the direwolf's head. 白灵侧头倾听。如果他不回来,琼恩·雪诺向他保证。我就和白灵一起去找他。他把手放在冰原狼的头上。
  I believe you, Tyrion said, but what he thought was, And who will go find you? He shivered. 我相信你。提利昂说,然而他心里想的却是:在那之后,派谁去找你呢?他不禁打了个冷颤。
  Her father had been fighting with the council again.  那天父亲大人又是很晚才来用饭,
  Arya could see it on his face when he came to table, late again, as he had been so often.  艾莉亚看得出他又跟朝廷闹意见了。当奈德·史塔克大跨步走进小厅的时候,
  The first course, a thick sweet soup made with pumpkins, had already been taken away when Ned Stark strode into the Small Hall.  晚餐的第一道菜,那锅浓稠的南瓜甜汤,早已被撤下桌去。
  They called it that to set it apart from the Great Hall, where the king could feast a thousand,  他们把这儿叫做小厅,用以区别国王那足以容纳千人的大厅。
  but it was a long room with a high vaulted ceiling and bench space for two hundred at its trestle tables. 话虽如此,这里却也不小,这是一间有着高耸圆顶的狭长房间,长凳上坐得下两百号人。
  My lord, Jory said when Father entered. He rose to his feet, and the rest of the guard rose with him.  大人。父亲进来时,乔里开口说。他站起来,其余的侍卫也立即起身。