冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第302期:第十九章 艾莉亚(12)(在线收听

   Arya desperately wanted to explain, to make him see. I was trying to learn, but...Her eyes filled with tears.  艾莉亚拚命想解释,好让他了解。我想好好学,可是…她眼里溢满泪水。

  I asked Mycah to practice with me. The grief came on her all at once. She turned away, shaking.  我要米凯陪我练。所有的悲恸这时一齐涌上心头,她颤抖着别过头去。
  I asked him, she cried. It was my fault, it was me...Suddenly her father's arms were around her.  是我找他的。她哭着说,都是我的错,是我…突然间,父亲的双臂抱住了她,
  He held her gently as she turned to him and sobbed against his chest. No, sweet one, he murmured.  她转过头,埋在他胸口啜泣,
  Grieve for your friend, but never blame yourself. You did not kill the butcher's boy.  他则温柔地拥着她。别这样,我亲爱的孩子。他低语道,为你的朋友哀悼吧,但不要自责。屠夫小弟不是你害的,
  That murder lies at the Hound's door, him and the cruel woman he serves. 该为这桩血案负责的是猎狗和他残酷的女主人。
  I hate them, Arya confided, red-faced, sniffling. The Hound and the queen and the king and Prince Joffrey. 我恨他们。艾莉亚一边吸鼻子,一边红着脸说出心里话。我恨猎狗、恨王后、恨国王还有乔佛里王子。
  I hate all of them. Joffrey lied, it wasn't the way he said. I hate Sansa too.  我恨死他们了。乔佛里骗人,事情根本就不是他讲的那样。我也恨珊莎,
  She did remember, she just lied so Joffrey would like her. 她明明就记得,她故意说谎话好让乔佛里喜欢她。
  We all lie, her father said. Or did you truly think I'd believe that Nymeria ran off? 谁没有说过谎呢,父亲道,难道你以为我相信娜梅莉亚真的会跑掉?
  Arya blushed guiltily. Jory promised not to tell. 艾莉亚心虚地脸红了。乔里答应我不说出去的。
  Jory kept his word, her father said with a smile. There are some things I do not need to be told.  乔里很守信用。父亲微笑道,有些事不用别人说我也知道,
  Even a blind man could see that wolf would never have left you willingly. 连瞎子都看得出来小狼不会自动离开你。
  We had to throw rocks, she said miserably. I told her to run, to go be free, that I didn't want her anymore.  我们丢了好多石头才赶走她。她一脸悲苦地说,我叫她走,放她自由,说我不要她了。