冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第303期:第十九章 艾莉亚(13)(在线收听

   There were other wolves for her to play with, we heard them howling, and Jory said the woods were full of game, so she'd have deer to hunt.  她该去找其他狼玩,我们听见好多狼在叫,乔里说森林里猎物很多,她可以去追捕野鹿,

  Only she kept following, and finally we had to throw rocks. I hit her twice.  可她偏偏要跟着我们,最后我们才不得不丢石头赶她。我打中她两次,
  She whined and looked at me and I felt so 'shamed, but it was right, wasn't it? The queen would have killed her. 她边哀嚎边看着我,我觉得好羞耻,但这样做是正确的对不对?不然王后会杀她的。
  It was right, her father said. And even the lie was...not without honor. He'd put Needle aside when he went to Arya to embrace her.  你做得没错,父亲说,有时谎言也能…不失荣誉。方才他趋身拥抱艾莉亚时把缝衣针放在一边,
  Now he took the blade up again and walked to the window, where he stood for a moment, looking out across the courtyard.  这会儿他又拾起短剑,踱至窗边。他在那里驻足片刻,视线穿过广场,望向远方。
  When he turned back, his eyes were thoughtful. He seated himself on the window seat, Needle across his lap. Arya, sit down.  等他回过头来,眼里满是思绪。他在窗边坐下,把缝衣针平放膝上。艾莉亚,坐下来。
  I need to try and explain some things to you. 有些事我要试着跟你解释清楚。
  She perched anxiously on the edge of her bed. You are too young to be burdened with all my cares, he told her, but you are also a Stark of Winterfell.  她不安地在床边坐下。你年纪还太小,本不该让你分担我所有的忧虑。他告诉她,但你是临冬城史塔克家族的一份子,
  You know our words. 你也知道我们的族语。
  Winter is coming, Arya whispered. 凛冬将至。艾莉亚轻声说。
  The hard cruel times, her father said.  是的,艰苦而残酷的时代即将来临,父亲说,
  We tasted them on the Trident, child, and when Bran fell. You were born in the long summer, sweet one, you've never known anything else, but now the winter is truly coming.  我们在三叉戟河上尝到了这种滋味,孩子,布兰坠楼时也是。你生于漫长的盛夏时节,我亲爱的好孩子,至今还未经历其他季节,然而现在冬天真的要来了。
  Remember the sigil of our House, Arya. 艾莉亚,不论何时何地,我要你牢牢记住我们的家徽。
  The direwolf, she said, thinking of Nymeria. She hugged her knees against her chest, suddenly afraid. 冰原狼。她边说边想起娜梅莉亚,不由得缩起膝盖、靠着胸膛,害怕了起来。