冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第307期:第十九章 艾莉亚(17)(在线收听

   What if I drop it? Arya said. 剑掉了怎么办?艾莉亚问。

  The steel must be part of your arm, the bald man told her.  剑必须和你的手合为一体。光头男子告诉她,
  Can you drop part of your arm? No. Nine years Syrio Forel was first sword to the Sealord of Braavos, he knows these things. Listen to him, boy. 你的手会掉吗?当然不会。西利欧·佛瑞尔在布拉佛斯海王手下干了九年的首席剑士,他懂得这些东西。听他的话,小子。
  It was the third time he had called her boy. I'm a girl, Arya objected. 这已经是他第三次叫她小子了。我是女生。艾莉亚抗议。
  Boy, girl, Syrio Forel said. You are a sword, that is all. He clicked his teeth together.  管他男的女的,西利欧·佛瑞尔说,你是一把剑,这样就够了。
  Just so, that is the grip. You are not holding a battle-axe, you are holding a...needle, Arya finished for him, fiercely. 他又龇牙咧嘴道,好,就是这样,保持这个握姿。记住,你握的不是战斧,你握的是缝衣针。艾莉亚凶狠地替他说完。
  Just so. Now we will begin the dance. Remember, child, this is not the iron dance of Westeros we are learning, the knight's dance, hacking and hammering, no.  就是这样。现在我们开始跳舞。记住,孩子,我们学的不是维斯特洛的钢铁之舞,骑士之舞,挥来砍去,不是的。
  This is the bravo's dance, the water dance, swift and sudden. All men are made of water, do you know this? When you pierce them, the water leaks out and they die.  这是杀手之舞,水之舞,行动敏捷,出其不意。人都是水做的,你知道吗?当你刺中人体,水流外泄,人就会死。
  He took a step backward, raised his own wooden blade. Now you will try to strike me. 他向后退开一步,举起木剑。现在你来打我试试。
  Arya tried to strike him. She tried for four hours, until every muscle in her body was sore and aching, while Syrio Forel clicked his teeth together and told her what to do. 于是艾莉亚尝试攻击他。她一共试了四个小时,直到最后每寸肌肉都酸痛不已,而西利欧·佛瑞尔只是一边龇牙咧嘴,一边纠正个不停。
  The next day their real work began. 到了第二天,好戏才刚刚上演。