冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第310期:第二十章 丹妮莉丝(3)(在线收听

  Not a queen, said Dany. A khaleesi. She wheeled her horse about and galloped down the ridge alone. 不是公主,丹妮说,是卡丽熙。说完她调转马头,独自奔下山岗。

  The descent was steep and rocky, but Dany rode fearlessly, and the joy and the danger of it were a song in her heart.  坡路陡峭,遍地岩石,但丹妮毫不畏惧,驰骋的快意和危险使她心花怒放。

  All her life Viserys had told her she was a princess, but not until she rode her silver had Daenerys Targaryen ever felt like one. 韦赛里斯从小就口口声声说她是个公主,但直到她骑上小银马,丹妮莉丝·坦格利安才真正觉得此话成了真。

  At first it had not come easy. The khalasar had broken camp the morning after her wedding, moving east toward Vaes Dothrak,  起初一切都不顺利,卡拉萨在婚礼翌日清晨便拔营动身,朝东边的维斯·多斯拉克出发。

  and by the third day Dany thought she was going to die.  才到第三天,丹妮就觉得自己半死不活。

  Saddle sores opened on her bottom, hideous and bloody.  连日坐在马鞍上,导致她的臀部伤痕累累,血流不止。

  Her thighs were chafed raw, her hands blistered from the reins, the muscles of her legs and back so wracked with pain that she could scarcely sit.  大腿久经摩擦,脱皮得厉害,双手则被缰绳磨起了水泡,两脚和背部的肌肉痛得她连坐都坐不直。

  By the time dusk fell, her handmaids would need to help her down from her mount. 天黑之后,她需要靠女仆帮忙方能下马。

  Even the nights brought no relief. Khal Drogo ignored her when they rode, even as he had ignored her during their wedding,  夜里她也不得安宁。白天骑马时卓戈卡奥和结婚当天一样,

  and spent his evenings drinking with his warriors and bloodriders, racing his prize horses, watching women dance and men die.  对她不理不睬,晚上则和手下战士与血盟卫们喝酒赛马,观赏女人跳舞,男人拼杀。

  Dany had no place in these parts of his life. She was left to sup alone, or with Ser Jorah and her brother, and afterward to cry herself to sleep.  在他生活的这个部分,丹妮毫无地位可言。她往往独自用餐,顶多和乔拉爵士及哥哥相伴,然后哭着入睡。

  Yet every night, some time before the dawn, Drogo would come to her tent and wake her in the dark, to ride her as relentlessly as he rode his stallion.  但当每晚天将破晓,卓戈会到她的帐篷,在黑暗中叫醒她,然后无情地骑她,一如骑他的战马。
