冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第312期:第二十章 丹妮莉丝(5)(在线收听

   I was, she answered, standing over the dragon's eggs that Illyrio had given her when she wed.  没事。她答道。随后她来到伊利里欧在婚礼上送给她的龙蛋旁边,

  She touched one, the largest of the three, running her hand lightly over the shelf. 伸手摸摸其中最大的一颗,手指轻轻地滑过蛋壳。
  Black-and-scarlet, she thought, like the dragon in my dream.  既黑且红,她想,和我梦中的龙一样。
  The stone felt strangely warm beneath her fingers...or was she still dreaming? She pulled her hand back nervously. 石头在她指下变得异样地温暖…这是她的错觉吗?她不安地抽回手。
  From that hour onward, each day was easier than the one before it.  从那一刻起,一天比一天顺利。
  Her legs grew stronger; her blisters burst and her hands grew callused; her soft thighs toughened, supple as leather. 她的双腿强壮了起来,水泡破了,手也长出老茧,她柔软的大腿变得结实,像皮革般弯曲自如。
  The khal had commanded the handmaid Irri to teach Dany to ride in the Dothraki fashion, but it was the filly who was her real teacher.  卡奥命令女仆伊丽教导丹妮多斯拉克马术,但小银马才是她真正的老师。
  The horse seemed to know her moods, as if they shared a single mind. With every passing day, Dany felt surer in her seat.  小银马似乎知悉她的心情,仿佛心有灵犀。随着日子过去,丹妮骑在马上越来越自如。
  The Dothraki were a hard and unsentimental people, and it was not their custom to name their animals, so Dany thought of her only as the silver.  多斯拉克人是个严酷无情的民族,按他们的习俗从不为动物取名字,所以丹妮只把它当作自己的小银马。
  She had never loved anything so much. 虽然她从没有这么爱过一样东西。
  As the riding became less an ordeal, Dany began to notice the beauties of the land around her.  当骑马不再是种折磨,丹妮开始注意到身边这片土地的美。
  She rode at the head of the khalasar with Drogo and his bloodriders, so she came to each country fresh and unspoiled.  她跟卓戈和他的血盟卫一起骑在卡拉萨最前面,所以眼前的一切都是充满生机、未经滋扰。
  Behind them the great horde might tear the earth and muddy the rivers and send up clouds of choking dust, but the fields ahead of them were always green and verdant. 紧跟在后的大队人马会践踏土地,把河水弄得浑浊不堪,扬起呛人灰尘,但出现在他们面前的永远是如茵绿野。