冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第313期:第二十章 丹妮莉丝(6)(在线收听

   They crossed the rolling hills of Norvos, past terraced farms and small villages where the townsfolk watched anxiously from atop white stucco walls.  他们越过高低起伏的诺佛斯丘陵,行经梯田和村庄,居民在灰泥砌成的墙上不安地看着他们。

  They forded three wide placid rivers and a fourth that was swift and narrow and treacherous,  他们涉过三条宽广平静的河流,第四条则是一道狭窄湍急,
  camped beside a high blue waterfall, skirted the tumbled ruins of a vast dead city where ghosts were said to moan among blackened marble columns.  河床险恶的江川,在一座高耸的蓝色瀑布旁扎营,随后绕过一座广大死城的断垣残壁,相传鬼魂仍哭嚎于焦黑的大理石柱间。
  They raced down Valyrian roads a thousand years old and straight as a Dothraki arrow.  他们在与多斯拉克弓箭一样笔直的瓦雷利亚千年古道上奔驰。
  For half a moon, they rode through the Forest of Qohor, where the leaves made a golden canopy high above them, and the trunks of the trees were as wide as city gates.  花了足足半个月,才穿过金叶高盖头顶,树干宽如城门的科霍尔森林。
  There were great elk in that wood, and spotted tigers, and lemurs with silver fur and huge purple eyes,  森林里栖息着大麋鹿和花斑虎,还有生着银白毛皮和紫色大眼的狐猴,
  but all fled before the approach of the khalasar and Dany got no glimpse of them. 但只要卡拉萨一出现,它们便纷纷四散奔逃,结果丹妮什么也没瞧仔细。
  By then her agony was a fading memory.  此时她先前的伤痛已经成了回忆。
  She still ached after a long day's riding, yet somehow the pain had a sweetness to it now, and each morning she came willingly to her saddle,  长途跋涉之后她仍旧酸疼,却有种苦中带甜的意蕴。
  eager to know what wonders waited for her in the lands ahead.  每天清晨她都跃跃欲试地跳上马鞍,迫不及待想见识更多奇观。
  She began to find pleasure even in her nights, and if she still cried out when Drogo took her, it was not always in pain. 她甚至也开始在夜里寻求欢愉,于是当卓戈占有她时,她虽然还是会叫出声,却不总是因为痛苦。
  At the bottom of the ridge, the grasses rose around her, tall and supple.  山岗下,又高又软的草把她包围。