冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第314期:第二十章 丹妮莉丝(7)(在线收听

   Dany slowed to a trot and rode out onto the plain, losing herself in the green, blessedly alone.  丹妮减缓速度,驱策小马跑入平原,让自己愉快地淹没在绿浪之中。

  In the khalasar she was never alone. Khal Drogo came to her only after the sun went down,  在卡拉萨里她无法独处,虽然卓戈卡奥入夜之后才会来找她,
  but her handmaids fed her and bathed her and slept by the door of her tent,  但她的女仆会为她张罗餐点,帮她沐浴,睡在她帐门外。
  Drogo's bloodriders and the men of her khas were never far, and her brother was an unwelcome shadow, day and night.  卓戈的血盟卫,以及她自己的卡斯部众,也总是离她不远,而哥哥不论日夜都是个讨厌的阴影。
  Dany could hear him on the top of the ridge, his voice shrill with anger as he shouted at Ser Jorah. She rode on, submerging herself deeper in the Dothraki sea. 此刻,丹妮又听见他在山脊上对乔拉爵士大吼,尖锐的声音里透着怒意。她决定不加理会,继续向前骑去,沉浸在多斯拉克海底。
  The green swallowed her up. The air was rich with the scents of earth and grass, mixed with the smell of horseflesh and Dany's sweat and the oil in her hair.  绿浪将她完全吞没,空气里充满了青草和泥土的芬芳,混杂着马臊味、汗味,以及她发油的气息。
  Dothraki smells. They seemed to belong here. Dany breathed it all in, laughing.  多斯拉克的气息。它们才是这里土生土长的主人,丹妮开心地笑了,深深地呼吸着这一切。
  She had a sudden urge to feel the ground beneath her, to curl her toes in that thick black soil.  她突然有股冲动,只想踩踩脚下的土地,在厚实的黑土壤里动动脚趾。
  Swinging down from her saddle, she let the silver graze while she pulled off her high boots. 于是她翻身下马,任银马去吃草,然后脱下脚上长靴。
  Viserys came upon her as sudden as a summer storm, his horse rearing beneath him as he reined up too hard.  韦赛里斯像一阵夏季暴风般突然冲到她身边,死命扯住缰绳,马痛得前脚高举。
  You dare! he screamed at her. You give commands to me? To me? He vaulted off the horse, stumbling as he landed.  你好大的胆子!他朝她尖叫,你竟敢命令我?命令我?他自马背一跃而下,着地时摔了一跤。
  His face was flushed as he struggled back to his feet.  他满脸通红,挣扎着站起来,
  He grabbed her, shook her. Have you forgotten who you are? Look at you. Look at you! 然后一把抓住她,猛力乱摇。你别忘了你是谁?也不瞧瞧自己,瞧你现在什么德行!