冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第317期:第二十章 丹妮莉丝(10)(在线收听

   No! Viserys screamed. He turned to Ser Jorah, pleading in the Common Tongue with words the horsemen would not understand.  不要!韦赛里斯尖叫。他转向乔拉爵士,用其他人听不懂的通用语苦苦哀求。

  Hit her, Mormont. Hurt her. Your king commands it. Kill these Dothraki dogs and teach her. 莫尔蒙,帮我打她,你的国王命令你干掉她。把这些多斯拉克走狗给我杀了,教训教训她。
  The exile knight looked from Dany to her brother; she barefoot, with dirt between her toes and oil in her hair, he with his silks and steel.  被放逐的骑士看看光着脚丫,趾间都是污泥,头发涂了香油的丹妮,再看看身穿丝衣,佩戴宝剑的哥哥。
  Dany could see the decision on his face. He shall walk, Khaleesi, he said. He took her brother's horse in hand while Dany remounted her silver. 丹妮从他脸上读出了决定。卡丽熙,就让他走路吧。他说完,接过哥哥坐骑的缰绳,丹妮则重新跨上小银马。
  Viserys gaped at him, and sat down in the dirt. He kept his silence, but he would not move, and his eyes were full of poison as they rode away.  韦赛里斯张大嘴看着他,重重地坐进尘土里。直到他们离开,他都保持着静默。他动也不动,眼神却怨毒无比。
  Soon he was lost in the tall grass. When they could not see him anymore, Dany grew afraid. Will he find his way back? she asked Ser Jorah as they rode. 很快,他消失在高高的草浪之后。当见不到他时,丹妮又害怕起来。他找得到路吗?她边骑边问乔拉爵士。
  Even a man as blind as your brother should be able to follow our trail, he replied. 就算你哥哥那么盲目的人,也一定可以跟着我们留下的痕迹。他回答。
  He is proud. He may be too shamed to come back. 他很骄傲,可能因为羞耻就不来了。
  Jorah laughed. Where else should he go? If he cannot find the khalasar, the khalasar will most surely find him. It is hard to drown in the Dothraki sea, child. 乔拉笑道:那么他还有什么地方可去?就算他找不到卡拉萨,卡拉萨迟早也会找到他。孩子,想淹死在多斯拉克海里可不容易啊。
  Dany saw the truth of that. The khalasar was like a city on the march, but it did not march blindly.  丹妮觉得此话有理。卡拉萨好比一座移动的城市,但绝非盲目前进。
  Always scouts ranged far ahead of the main column, alert for any sign of game or prey or enemies, while outriders guarded their flanks.  主队前方必有斥候巡察,负责注意各种猎物和敌人踪迹,先驱部队则守护两翼。
  They missed nothing, not here, in this land, the place where they had come from. These plains were a part of them and of her, now. 在这片多斯拉克人发源于斯的土地上,没有任何东西能逃过他们的注意。这片平原是他们的一部分…如今也是她的一部分。