冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第331期:第二十一章 布兰(8)(在线收听

   Stories wait, my little lord, and when you come back to them, why, there they are, Old Nan said. Visitors are not so patient, and ofttimes they bring stories of their own. 小少爷,故事可以等下再听,待会儿您回来的时候,呵,它们都好端端地等着你呢。老奶妈说,客人可没这么有耐心哟,而且啊,他们常会带来自己的故事呢。

  Who is it? Bran asked Maester Luwin. 是谁啊?布兰问鲁温师傅。
  Tyrion Lannister, and some men of the Night's Watch, with word from your brother Jon. Robb is meeting with them now. Hodor, will you help Bran down to the hall? 提利昂·兰尼斯特,还有几位守夜人弟兄,说是有你哥哥琼恩的口信。罗柏正在会见他们。阿多,请你帮忙把布兰带到大厅去吧?
  Hodor! Hodor agreed happily. He ducked to get his great shaggy head under the door. Hodor was nearly seven feet tall.  阿多!阿多开心地同意。他弯身让他那颗毛茸茸的大头穿过门。
  It was hard to believe that he was the same blood as Old Nan.  阿多高近七尺,很难相信他竟是老奶妈的后代。
  Bran wondered if he would shrivel up as small as his great-grandmother when he was old. It did not seem likely, even if Hodor lived to be a thousand. 布兰暗自猜想,不知他年老时,会不会跟他曾祖母一样缩成那么一团。只怕阿多就算活个一千年,这也不大可能。
  Hodor lifted Bran as easy as if he were a bale of hay, and cradled him against his massive chest.  阿多像举稻草一样轻易地举起布兰,抱在胸前。
  He always smelled faintly of horses, but it was not a bad smell. His arms were thick with muscle and matted with brown hair.  他身上总有股淡淡的马臊味,好在还可以忍受。他的双臂肌肉虬张,长满褐色体毛。
  Hodor, he said again. Theon Greyjoy had once commented that Hodor did not know much, but no one could doubt that he knew his name.  阿多。他又说了一次。席恩·葛雷乔伊曾评论说阿多虽然所知有限,但谁也不能怀疑他知道自己的名字。
  Old Nan had cackled like a hen when Bran told her that, and confessed that Hodor's real name was Walder.  布兰把这件事告诉老奶妈,她像只母鸡般咯咯直笑,并偷偷告诉他阿多的本名是瓦德。
  No one knew where Hodor had come from, she said, but when he started saying it, they started calling him by it. It was the only word he had. 没人知道阿多这名字是打哪儿来的,她说,但当他开始说这个词的时候,大家就如此称呼他了。这是他惟一会说的词。