冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第332期:第二十一章 布兰(9)(在线收听

   They left Old Nan in the tower room with her needles and her memories.  于是他们离开高塔房间里的老奶妈,把她留给针线活和回忆。

  Hodor hummed tunelessly as he carried Bran down the steps and through the gallery, with Maester Luwin following behind, hurrying to keep up with the stableboy's long strides. 阿多不成调地哼歌,抱着布兰步下阶梯,穿过走廊。鲁温师傅跟在后面,加快脚步以跟上马夫的宽大步幅。
  Robb was seated in Father's high seat, wearing ringmail and boiled leather and the stern face of Robb the Lord.  罗柏正坐在父亲的高位上,穿着环甲和硬皮衣,一脸罗柏城主的严峻表情。
  Theon Greyjoy and Hallis Mollen stood behind him. A dozen guardsmen lined the grey stone walls beneath tall narrow windows.  席恩·葛雷乔伊和哈里斯·莫兰站在他身后。十来个守卫一字排开,紧靠灰石墙,站在高高的窄窗下。
  In the center of the room the dwarf stood with his servants, and four strangers in the black of the Night's Watch.  大厅的正中央则站着侏儒和他的仆从,还有四个身着守夜人黑衣的陌生人。
  Bran could sense the anger in the hall the moment that Hodor carried him through the doors. 阿多刚抱着他踏进门,布兰就感觉房里弥漫着一股怒气。
  Any man of the Night's Watch is welcome here at Winterfell for as long as he wishes to stay, Robb was saying with the voice of Robb the Lord.  只要是守夜人的弟兄,我们都欢迎,各位在临冬城想住多久就住多久。罗柏用城主罗柏的声音说。
  His sword was across his knees, the steel bare for all the world to see. Even Bran knew what it meant to greet a guest with an unsheathed sword. 他的佩剑横放在膝上,让大家都能看见。即便布兰也知道摆着出鞘的武器待客是什么道理。
  Any man of the Night's Watch, the dwarf repeated, but not me, do I take your meaning, boy? 只要是守夜人的弟兄,侏儒重复,所以我不算啰。你就这意思,小子?
  Robb stood and pointed at the little man with his sword. I am the lord here while my mother and father are away, Lannister. I am not your boy. 罗柏霍地起身,举剑指着小矮子道:兰尼斯特,我父母亲不在的时候,我就是城主。我不是什么小子。
  If you are a lord, you might learn a lord's courtesy, the little man replied, ignoring the sword point in his face.  你要当城主,好歹也该懂点儿城主应有的礼貌。小矮子回敬,毫不理会眼前的剑尖。
  Your bastard brother has all your father's graces, it would seem. 我看,你爹把所有的礼貌都留给你那私生子老弟了。