冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第336期:第二十一章 布兰(13)(在线收听

   The direwolf heard the voice, glanced at Bran, and again at Lannister. He crept backward, away from the little man, and settled down below Bran's dangling feet. 冰原狼听到声音,瞟了布兰一眼,又转头看看兰尼斯特。他从小矮子身边走开,趴到布兰晃来晃去的双腿下。

  Robb had been holding his breath. He let it out with a sigh and called, Grey Wind.  罗柏原本屏气凝神,这时他也叹了口气,唤道:灰风。
  His direwolf moved to him, swift and silent. Now there was only Shaggydog, rumbling at the small man, his eyes burning like green fire. 他的冰原狼安静而迅速地跑到他身边。只剩下毛毛狗眼里闪着绿火,还在对小矮子低吼。
  Rickon, call him, Bran shouted to his baby brother, and Rickon remembered himself and screamed, Home, Shaggy, home now.  瑞肯,叫它停手。布兰朝他的小弟喊道,瑞肯这才回过神来尖叫:回家啰,毛毛,回家啰。
  The black wolf gave Lannister one final snarl and bounded off to Rickon, who hugged him tightly around the neck. 黑狼朝兰尼斯特吼了最后一声,然后朝瑞肯跑去,瑞肯紧紧搂住他的脖子。
  Tyrion Lannister undid his scarf, mopped at his brow, and said in a flat voice, How interesting. 提利昂·兰尼斯特解下围巾,抹抹额头,用平板的声音说:这可真有意思。
  Are you well, my lord? asked one of his men, his sword in hand. He glanced nervously at the direwolves as he spoke. 大人,您没事罢?他的一名手下握着剑问,边说边紧张地看看那群冰原狼。
  My sleeve is torn and my breeches are unaccountably damp, but nothing was harmed save my dignity. 袖子破了,裤子里面湿得一塌糊涂,但除了自尊心受损,总算没缺胳膊断腿。
  Even Robb looked shaken. The wolves?.?.?.?I don't know why they did that... 连罗柏都很惊讶。这些狼…我不懂他们为什么会…
  No doubt they mistook me for dinner. Lannister bowed stiffly to Bran. I thank you for calling them off, young ser.  想必它们是错把我当晚餐了。兰尼斯特僵硬地朝布兰鞠个躬。小骑士,感谢您把他们叫开。
  I promise you, they would have found me quite indigestible. And now I will be leaving, truly. 不然的话,我跟您保证他们会觉得我很难吃的。现在我走啦,真的。
  A moment, my lord, Maester Luwin said. He moved to Robb and they huddled close together, whispering.  大人,请您等等。鲁温师傅说。他走到罗柏身旁,两人交头接耳了一会儿。
  Bran tried to hear what they were saying, but their voices were too low. 布兰想听听他们在说什么,但话音太低。