冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第337期:第二十一章 布兰(14)(在线收听

   Robb Stark finally sheathed his sword. I...I may have been hasty with you, he said. You've done Bran a kindness, and, well.Robb composed himself with an effort.  罗柏·史塔克终于把剑收回鞘里。我…我想我是太急躁了,他说,您帮了布兰一个大忙,嗯,所以…罗柏竭力想让口气自然。

  The hospitality of Winterfell is yours if you wish it, Lannister. 如果您愿意的话,兰尼斯特,就让临冬城款待您罢。
  Spare me your false courtesies, boy. You do not love me and you do not want me here.  小子,少假惺惺。你既不喜欢我,也不希望我待在这儿。
  I saw an inn outside your walls, in the winter town. I'll find a bed there, and both of us will sleep easier.  我看城外的避冬市镇里有家旅店,我还是去那儿弄张床,这样我们俩都会睡得安稳些。
  For a few coppers I may even find a comely wench to warm the sheets for me.  说不定我还可以花两个铜板,找个标致姑娘帮我暖暖床咧。
  He spoke to one of the black brothers, an old man with a twisted back and a tangled beard. Yoren, we go south at daybreak.  他转向一位年老驼背又满脸胡碴的黑衣弟兄说,尤伦,我们天一亮就往南走,
  You will find me on the road, no doubt. With that he made his exit, struggling across the hall on his short legs, past Rickon and out the door. His men followed. 你一定可以在路上找到我的。说完他挣扎着摆动起那双短腿,经过瑞肯身边,走出门外,他的手下紧跟在后。
  The four of the Night's Watch remained. Robb turned to them uncertainly.  四个守夜人留了下来。罗柏迟疑地转向他们。
  I have had rooms prepared, and you'll find no lack of hot water to wash off the dust of the road. I hope you will honor us at table tonight.  我已经派人备好房间,以及足够的热水让你们洗净路上尘土。我衷心希望今晚能荣幸地与各位共进晚餐。
  He spoke the words so awkwardly that even Bran took note; it was a speech he had learned, not words from the heart, but the black brothers thanked him all the same. 他这番话说得很怪,连布兰都听得出这是他特意背来,而非发自肺腑,但黑衣弟兄似乎不以为意,仍旧感谢他的好意。
  Summer followed them up the tower steps as Hodor carried Bran back to his bed.  阿多把布兰抱回床上,夏天跟着他们步上高塔楼梯。