冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第338期:第二十一章 布兰(15)(在线收听

      Old Nan was asleep in her chair. 老奶妈已经坐在椅子上睡着了。

  Hodor said “Hodor,” gathered up his great-grandmother, and carried her off, snoring softly, 阿多说:"阿多,"然后抱走轻轻打鼾的曾祖母。
  while Bran lay thinking.  布兰躺着思考,
  Robb had promised that he could feast with the Night's Watch in the Great Hall. 罗柏刚才保证他可以和守夜人一起在大厅里吃晚餐。
  “Summer,” he called. "夏天,"他唤道。
  The wolf bounded up on the bed. 小狼跳到床上,
  Bran hugged him so hard he could feel the hot breath on his cheek. 布兰用力地搂住它,直到小狼热呼呼的鼻息直冲脸颊。
  “I can ride now,” he whispered to his friend. "我可以骑马了。"他对他的动物朋友说,
  “We can go hunting in the woods soon, wait and see.”  "你等着瞧,我们很快就可以一起去森林打猎。"
  After a time he slept. 没过多久,他便睡着了。
  In his dream he was climbing again, 在梦中他再度攀爬,
  pulling himself up an ancient windowless tower, 沿着一座年代久远,
  his fingers forcing themselves between blackened stones, 没有窗户的塔向上攀升,手指勾住焦黑的石块,
  his feet scrabbling for purchase. 双脚胡乱地寻找支撑。
  Higher and higher he climbed, through the clouds and into the night sky, 他越爬越高,穿越云层,进入夜空,
  and still the tower rose before him. 但仍不见塔顶。
  When he paused to look down, his head swam dizzily and he felt his fingers slipping. 当他停下来向下看去,只觉头晕目眩,手指滑落。
  Bran cried out and clung for dear life.  他尖叫着死命胡抓。
  The earth was a thousand miles beneath him and he could not fly. 地面离他足足千里之遥,而他又不会飞。
  He could not fly. 他根本就不会飞。
  He waited until his heart had stopped pounding, 他直等到心脏不再怦怦乱跳,
  until he could breathe, and he began to climb again. 呼吸也顺畅之后,才继续往上爬。
  There was no way to go but up. 除了向上,别无他途。
  Far above him, outlined against a vast pale moon, 上方极目处,映着偌大的惨白圆月,
  he thought he could see the shapes of gargoyles. 他隐约可以看到石像鬼的形影。