冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第339期:第二十二章 琼恩(1)(在线收听

   Jon was showing Dareon how best to deliver a sidestroke when the new recruit entered the practice yard.  那个新兵走进训练场时,琼恩正在向戴利恩示范侧劈的诀窍。两脚要张开一点,

  Your feet should be farther apart, he urged. You don't want to lose your balance.  他叮嘱道,以免重心不稳,对,就是这样。
  That's good. Now pivot as you deliver the stroke, get all your weight behind the blade. 出手的时候身体旋转,把全部的重心放在剑上。
  Dareon broke off and lifted his visor. Seven gods, he murmured. Would you look at this, Jon. 戴利恩停了下来,掀开面罩。诸神在上,他喃喃道,琼恩,你快瞧瞧。
  Jon turned. Through the eye slit of his helm, he beheld the fattest boy he had ever seen standing in the door of the armory.  琼恩转身,隔着头盔的细窄眼缝,他看到了他平生所见最为肥胖的男孩站在兵器库门口。
  By the look of him, he must have weighed twenty stone. The fur collar of his embroidered surcoat was lost beneath his chins.  单凭目测,他大概有二十石重,肥大的下巴完全遮掩住刺绣外套的绒毛领口,
  Pale eyes moved nervously in a great round moon of a face, and plump sweaty fingers wiped themselves on the velvet of his doublet.  圆滚滚的月亮脸上一对苍白的眼睛局促地四下转动,汗水淋漓的肥胖指头则在天鹅绒上衣上揩个不停。
  They told me I was to come here for...for training, he said to no one in particular. 他…他们叫我来这边…受训。他不确定地道。
  A lordling, Pyp observed to Jon. Southron, most like near Highgarden.  公子哥儿一个,派普对琼恩说,南方来的,八成是高庭一带的人。
  Pyp had traveled the Seven Kingdoms with a mummers'troupe, and bragged that he could tell what you were and where you'd been born just from the sound of your voice. 派普曾经跟着戏班走遍七国全境,自称凭口音便能分辨别人来自何方,操什么营生。
  A striding huntsman had been worked in scarlet thread upon the breast of the fat boy's fur-trimmed surcoat.  胖男孩穿着绒毛滚边的外套,胸前用鲜红丝线绣着一个大跨步的猎人。
  Jon did not recognize the sigil. Ser Alliser Thorne looked over his new charge and said, It would seem they have run short of poachers and thieves down south.  琼恩不认得这个家徽。只见艾里沙·索恩爵士望了望他的新手下说:看来这年头南方连盗猎者和小偷都人手短缺,
  Now they send us pigs to man the Wall. Is fur and velvet your notion of armor, my Lord of Ham? 这会儿倒把猪送来防守长城啦。我说火腿大人,这身毛皮和天鹅绒敢情就是您的铠甲了?