冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第341期:第二十二章 琼恩(3)(在线收听

   Even then, Ser Alliser would not call an end. On your feet, Ser Piggy, he called. Pick up your sword.  即便如此,艾里沙爵士还是不肯罢休。猪头爵士,给我起来,他叫道,把剑捡起来。

  When the boy continued to cling to the ground, Thorne gestured to Halder.  眼看胖子还是躺在地上,索恩向霍德示意,
  Hit him with the flat of your blade until he finds his feet. Halder delivered a tentative smack to his foe's upraised cheeks. You can hit harder than that, Thorne taunted.  拿剑脊揍他,直到他爬起来为止。霍德试探性地敲敲对手仰高的脸颊。你该不会就这点力气罢?索恩讥讽。
  Halder took hold of his longsword with both hands and brought it down so hard the blow split leather, even on the flat. The new boy screeched in pain. 霍德于是双手持剑,狠狠地砍将下去,力道之猛,虽然是用剑脊,皮甲还是应声破裂。新兵痛苦地哀嚎。
  Jon Snow took a step forward. Pyp laid a mailed hand on his arm. Jon, no, the small boy whispered with an anxious glance at Ser Alliser Thorne. 琼恩跨前一步,派普忙伸出戴护套的手抓住他。琼恩,不要冲动。小个子一边紧张地瞄了艾里沙·索恩爵士一眼,一边悄声对他说。
  On your feet, Thorne repeated. The fat boy struggled to rise, slipped, and fell heavily again. Ser Piggy is starting to grasp the notion, Ser Alliser observed. Again. 还不快给我起来。索恩又说。胖男孩挣扎着想起身,谁知竟滑了一跤,又重重地摔倒在地。猪头爵士有进步啰。艾里沙爵士说,再打。
  Halder lifted the sword for another blow. Cut us off a ham! Rast urged, laughing. 霍德举起剑准备继续。给我们切块火腿唷!雷斯特狞笑着催促他。
  Jon shook off Pyp's hand. Halder, enough. 琼恩甩开派普的手。霍德,够了。
  Halder looked to Ser Alliser. 霍德转头去看艾里沙爵士。
  The Bastard speaks and the peasants tremble, the master-at-arms said in that sharp, cold voice of his. I remind you that I am the master-at-arms here, Lord Snow. 野种出来为农民打抱不平啦?教头用他那尖锐而冷酷的声音说,雪诺大人,你别忘了,我才是这里的头儿。
  Look at him, Halder, Jon urged, ignoring Thorne as best he could. There's no honor in beating a fallen foe. He yielded. He knelt beside the fat boy. 霍德,你看看他,琼恩劝促道,故意不理睬索恩。人家都投降了,你这样趁火打劫有什么意义?他在胖子身旁蹲了下来。
  Halder lowered his sword. He yielded, he echoed. 霍德放下剑。他投降了,他跟着重复。
  Ser Alliser's onyx eyes were fixed on Jon Snow. It would seem our Bastard is in love, he said as Jon helped the fat boy to his feet. Show me your steel, Lord Snow. 艾里沙爵士黑玛瑙似的眼睛紧紧盯着琼恩·雪诺不放。我说哪,原来咱们野种谈恋爱啦。他边看着琼恩扶起胖子边说,雪诺大人,亮剑。