冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第342期:第二十二章 琼恩(4)(在线收听

   Jon drew his longsword. He dared defy Ser Alliser only to a point, and he feared he was well beyond it now. 琼恩抽出长剑,他只敢反抗艾里沙爵士到某种程度,而他暗自担心这回做得太过火了。

  Thorne smiled. The Bastard wishes to defend his lady love, so we shall make an exercise of it. Rat, Pimple, help our Stone Head here.  索恩微笑道:野种打算为他心爱的小姐而战,所以我们得好好打一场。
  Rast and Albett moved to join Halder. Three of you ought to be sufficient to make Lady Piggy squeal. All you need do is get past the Bastard. 小老鼠、雀斑男,你们跟大笨头一边。雷斯特和阿贝特走到霍德旁边。你们三个人应该够猪小姐受的了。但首先,你们要打发掉挡路的野种。
  Stay behind me, Jon said to the fat boy. Ser Alliser had often sent two foes against him, but never three. He knew he would likely go to sleep bruised and bloody tonight.  躲在我背后。琼恩对胖子说。艾里沙爵士常叫两人打他一个,但从来没有三对一。他自知今晚上床时大概会伤痕累累。
  He braced himself for the assault. 于是他屏气凝神,准备大干一场。
  Suddenly Pyp was beside him.  派普突然出现在他身边。
  Three to two will make for better sport, the small boy said cheerfully.  我想三打二应该会更精彩。小个子开心地说。
  He dropped his visor and slid out his sword. Before Jon could even think to protest, Grenn had stepped up to make a third. 他放下面罩,抽出佩剑。琼恩还来不及抗议,葛兰也走上前来加入他们。
  The yard had grown deathly quiet. Jon could feel Ser Alliser's eyes.  整个广场顿时一片死寂。琼恩感觉得出艾里沙爵士的眼神。
  Why are you waiting? he asked Rast and the others in a voice gone deceptively soft, but it was Jon who moved first. Halder barely got his sword up in time. 你们还等什么?他用轻得吓人的声音问雷斯特和其他人,然而最先出手的却是琼恩,霍德差点就不及举剑格挡。
  Jon drove him backward, attacking with every blow, keeping the older boy on the heels.  琼恩不断进攻,逼得这个年长的男孩节节后退。
  Know your foe, Ser Rodrik had taught him once; Jon knew Halder, brutally strong but short of patience, with no taste for defense.  要了解你的敌人,罗德利克爵士曾经这么教他,而琼恩很了解霍德,他壮得惊人,但缺乏耐心,向来不惯防守。
  Frustrate him, and he would leave himself open, as certain as sunset. 只要想办法激怒他,他自会门户洞开,破绽百出。