冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第344期:第二十二章 琼恩(6)(在线收听

   I've been bruised before. He touched his shoulder and winced. The yard was emptying around them. 不是第一次了。他摸摸肩膀,皱紧眉头,广场上除了他们几个一片空旷。

  Blood matted the fat boy's hair where Halder had split his helm asunder. My name is Samwell Tarly, of Horn. 胖男孩的发际有凝固的血块,正是刚才霍德砍裂头盔的地方。我是山姆威尔·塔利,来自角…
  He stopped and licked his lips. I mean, I was of Horn Hill, until I...left. I've come to take the black.  他停下来舔舔嘴,我的意思是…那是我…我'曾经'是角陵塔利家族的人。我前来加入黑衫军,
  My father is Lord Randyll, a bannerman to the Tyrells of Highgarden. I used to be his heir, only...His voice trailed off. 家父是蓝道伯爵,高庭提利尔家族的封臣。我本来是爵位继承人,不过…他没有说下去。
  I'm Jon Snow, Ned Stark's bastard, of Winterfell. 我是琼恩·雪诺,临冬城公爵奈德·史塔克的私生子。
  Samwell Tarly nodded. I...if you want, you can call me Sam. My mother calls me Sam. 山姆威尔·塔利点点头。我……如果你愿意的话,可以叫我山姆,我妈都这样叫我。
  You can call him Lord Snow, Pyp said as he came up to join them. You don't want to know what his mother calls him. 你呢,则要尊称他雪诺大人,派普边说边凑过来。你不会想知道他妈怎么叫他的。
  These two are Grenn and Pypar, Jon said. 这两位是葛兰和派普。琼恩说。
  Grenn's the ugly one, Pyp said. 长得丑的是葛兰。派普道。
  Grenn scowled. You're uglier than me. At least I don't have ears like a bat. 葛兰一脸不悦地说:你比我丑咧,起码我没生一对蝙蝠耳。
  My thanks to all of you, the fat boy said gravely. 我衷心地感谢你们。胖男孩正色道。
  Why didn't you get up and fight? Grenn demanded. 刚才你怎么不站起来反击啊?葛兰问他。
  I wanted to, truly. I just...I couldn't. I didn't want him to hit me anymore. He looked at the ground. I...I fear I'm a coward. My lord father always said so. 我也想,真的,可我……我就是做不到。我也不想一直被揍。他看看地面,我……我猜我是窝囊废一个,家父常这么说。