冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第345期:第二十二章 琼恩(7)(在线收听

   Grenn looked thunderstruck. Even Pyp had no words to say to that, and Pyp had words for everything. What sort of man would proclaim himself a coward? 葛兰的表情如遭雷击,就连派普也说不出话来,而他一向对任何事情都爱发表意见。怎么会有人自称窝囊废呢?

  Samwell Tarly must have read their thoughts on their faces. His eyes met Jon's and darted away, quick as frightened animals. I...I'm sorry, he said.  山姆威尔·塔利想必是从他们脸上读出了他们的想法,他的视线刚碰到琼恩的眼睛,随即像受惊的动物般转开。我…对不起,他说。
  I don't mean to...to be like I am. He walked heavily toward the armory. 我…也不想这样的。他沉重地走向武器库。
  Jon called after him. You were hurt, he said. Tomorrow you'll do better. 琼恩叫住他。你受伤了,他说,明天你就会进步的。
  Sam looked mournfully back over one shoulder. No I won't, he said, blinking back tears. I never do better. 山姆一脸哀怨地回过头。才不会,他强忍泪水说,我永远都不会进步。
  When he was gone, Grenn frowned. Nobody likes cravens, he said uncomfortably. I wish we hadn't helped him. What if they think we're craven too? 等他走后,葛兰皱起眉头。胆小鬼人人讨厌,他很不舒服地说,早知道咱们就不帮他了。要是别人把咱们也当胆小鬼那还得了?
  You're too stupid to be craven, Pyp told him. 你太笨啦,当不成胆小鬼的。派普告诉他。
  I am not, Grenn said. 我才不笨。葛兰说。
  Yes you are. If a bear attacked you in the woods, you'd be too stupid to run away. 你笨死了。要在树林里遇到大熊,你都不会跑哟。
  I would not, Grenn insisted. I'd run away faster than you. He stopped suddenly, scowling when he saw Pyp's grin and realized what he'd just said.  我当然会跑,葛兰坚持,而且跑得比你快。他看到派普嘻皮笑脸,赶紧住口,这才恍然大悟,
  His thick neck flushed a dark red. Jon left them there arguing as he returned to the armory, hung up his sword, and stripped off his battered armor. 气得脸红脖子粗。琼恩让他们吵个痛快,自己走回武器库,挂回佩剑,脱下一身伤痕累累的铠甲。