冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第347期:第二十二章 琼恩(9(在线收听

   His sore shoulder made the work go slowly. It was late afternoon before Jon finished graveling the paths.  他的肩膀还在痛,也因此拖慢了工作进度,等铺完走道,天已经快黑。

  He lingered on high to watch the sun go down, turning the western sky the color of blood.  他逗留在长城上观看日落,看着夕阳把西边的天染成一片血红。
  Finally, as dusk was settling over the north, Jon rolled the empty barrels back into the cage and signaled the winch men to lower him. 直到夜幕低垂,琼恩方才拾起空桶,走回铁笼,拉铃叫下面的守卫放他下去。
  The evening meal was almost done by the time he and Ghost reached the common hall. A group of the black brothers were dicing over mulled wine near the fire.  他和白灵回到大厅时,晚餐已差不多结束。一群黑衣弟兄聚在火炉边喝着烫过的酒,赌起骰子。
  His friends were at the bench nearest the west wall, laughing. Pyp was in the middle of a story.  他的朋友们坐在西墙下的长凳上,笑作一团。
  The mummer's boy with the big ears was a born liar with a hundred different voices,  派普正绘声绘色地说着故事,这个跟过戏班的大耳朵男孩是个天生的骗子,擅长模仿各种声音,
  and he did not tell his tales so much as live them, playing all the parts as needed, a king one moment and a swineherd the next.  听他讲故事,如同身临其境,一会儿模仿国王,一会儿又变成猪倌。
  When he turned into an alehouse girl or a virgin princess, he used a high falsetto voice that reduced them all to tears of helpless laughter, and his eunuchs were always eerily accurate caricatures of Ser Alliser.  当他学起酒店女侍或待字闺中的公主时,那高亢的假音每每让大伙儿笑得泪流不止,而他装起太监则像极夸张化的艾里沙爵士。
  Jon took as much pleasure from Pyp's antics as anyone...yet that night he turned away and went instead to the end of the bench, where Samwell Tarly sat alone, as far from the others as he could get. 琼恩和大家一样喜欢听派普胡闹……但这天晚上他却转身走到长凳的尽头,山姆威尔·塔利坐在那儿,离其他人远远的。
  He was finishing the last of the pork pie the cooks had served up for supper when Jon sat down across from him.  琼恩在他对面坐下时,他正吃着厨子们为晚餐准备的最后一个猪肉馅饼。
  The fat boy's eyes widened at the sight of Ghost.  胖男孩看到白灵,两眼张得老大。
  Is that a wolf? 那是狼?
  A direwolf, Jon said. His name is Ghost. The direwolf is the sigil of my father's House. 是冰原狼,琼恩道,他叫白灵。冰原狼是我父亲的家徽。