冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第350期:第二十二章 琼恩(12)(在线收听

   Jon Snow could only stand and watch. Like the snowfall on the barrowlands, it seemed the tears would never end. 琼恩·雪诺没了主意,只能站在一旁观看。他的泪水如同荒冢地的雪,似乎永远不会停。

  It was Ghost who knew what to do. Silent as shadow, the pale direwolf moved closer and began to lick the warm tears off Samwell Tarly's face. The fat boy cried out, startled...and somehow, in a heartbeat, his sobs turned to laughter. 到头来还是白灵聪明。苍白的冰原狼像阴影一般无声地靠过去,舔舐山姆威尔·塔利脸上温热的泪水。胖男孩惊叫了一声…但不知什么缘故,转眼间他的啜泣就变成了欢笑。
  Jon Snow laughed with him. Afterward they sat on the frozen ground, huddled in their cloaks with Ghost between them.  琼恩·雪诺也笑了。随后他们一起坐在结冰的地面上,蜷缩在斗篷里,白灵窝在两人之间。
  Jon told the story of how he and Robb had found the pups newborn in the late summer snows. It seemed a thousand years ago now.  琼恩说起他和罗柏在夏末雪地里找到刚出生的小狼群的故事。这好像是一千年前的故事了。
  Before long he found himself talking of Winterfell. 但很快,他发觉自己谈到了临冬城。
  Sometimes I dream about it, he said. I'm walking down this long empty hall. My voice echoes all around, but no one answers, so I walk faster, opening doors, shouting names.  我有时候做梦都还会回去。他说,我梦到自己走在空荡荡的大厅里,四壁反射着我的声音,却无人应答,所以我加快脚步,打开一扇扇门,喊着其他人的名字。
  I don't even know who I'm looking for. Most nights it's my father, but sometimes it's Robb instead, or my little sister Arya, or my uncle.  我不知道自己究竟要找谁,多半是找我父亲,有时候却是罗柏,有时又是我小妹艾莉亚,或是我叔叔。
  The thought of Benjen Stark saddened him; his uncle was still missing. The Old Bear had sent out rangers in search of him. 想起至今依然下落不明的班扬·史塔克,他不禁难过起来。
  Ser Jaremy Rykker had led two sweeps, and Quorin Halfhand had gone forth from the Shadow Tower,  熊老派了游骑兵北出长城去找他。杰瑞米·莱克爵士领过两次队,断掌科林则从影子塔出发,
  but they'd found nothing aside from a few blazes in the trees that his uncle had left to mark his way.  但除了叔叔在森林里偶尔留下来当路标的火把外,可说一无所获。
  In the stony highlands to the northwest, the marks stopped abruptly and all trace of Ben Stark vanished. 一旦进入陡峭的西北高地,各种记号便都突然不见,班扬·史塔克的痕迹消失得无影无踪。