冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第354期:第二十二章 琼恩(16)(在线收听

   Until the dawn of his fifteenth name day, when he had been awakened to find his horse saddled and ready.  直到他十五岁命名日那天清晨,他被叫醒后,发现自己的马已经鞍辔妥当,正等着他。

  Three men-at-arms had escorted him into a wood near Horn Hill, where his father was skinning a deer. 三个侍卫护送他来到角陵附近一座森林里,父亲在那儿剥鹿皮。
  You are almost a man grown now, and my heir, Lord Randyll Tarly had told his eldest son, his long knife laying bare the carcass as he spoke.  你就快成年了,又是我的继承人,蓝道·塔利伯爵一边用猎刀割开皮肉,露出里面的骨架,一边对他的长子说。
  You have given me no cause to disown you, but neither will I allow you to inherit the land and title that should be Dickon's.  你没给我什么借口,我无法将你除名,但我也不会把该由狄肯继承的领地和封号交给你。
  Heartsbane must go to a man strong enough to wield her, and you are not worthy to touch her hilt.  只有强壮的人才配持有碎心,而你连碰它的剑柄都不配。
  So I have decided that you shall this day announce that you wish to take the black. You will forsake all claim to your brother's inheritance and start north before evenfall. 所以我作了决定,你今天就得宣布自己渴望披上黑衣,放弃一切继承权,并在天黑前动身北上。
  If you do not, then on the morrow we shall have a hunt, and somewhere in these woods your horse will stumble, and you will be thrown from the saddle to die... 如果你不照办,那明天我们会外出打猎,而你的马将在林中某处跌倒,你也会飞出马鞍摔死
  or so I will tell your mother.  至少我会这么告诉你母亲。
  She has a woman's heart and finds it in her to cherish even you, and I have no wish to cause her pain.  她心肠太软,连对你这种人都疼爱有加,我不想让她难过。
  Please do not imagine that it will truly be that easy, should you think to defy me. Nothing would please me more than to hunt you down like the pig you are.  你不用幻想会死得多干脆,或是有办法抵抗,因为我会很乐意穷追不舍,亲手宰掉你这头猪。
  His arms were red to the elbow as he laid the skinning knife aside. So. There is your choice.  他抛开猎刀,手臂到肘全都染得腥红。所以啰,你有两个选择。
  The Night's Watch, he reached inside the deer, ripped out its heart, and held it in his fist, red and dripping, or this. 不是守夜人,他把手伸进鹿尸,掏出心脏,血淋淋地握在手中—就是这个。