冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第355期:第二十二章 琼恩(17)(在线收听

   Sam told the tale in a calm, dead voice, as if it were something that had happened to someone else, not to him.  山姆用种平静而死板的声音说着故事,仿佛这事发生在别人身上,而不是他自己。

  And strangely, Jon thought, he did not weep, not even once. When he was done, they sat together and listened to the wind for a time.  奇怪的是,琼恩心想,他竟然停下来不哭了。他说完后,两人坐在一起听夜风。
  There was no other sound in all the world. 全世界没有旁的声音。
  Finally Jon said, We should go back to the common hall. 最后琼恩道:我们该回大厅去了。
  Why? Sam asked. 怎么?
  Jon shrugged. There's hot cider to drink, or mulled wine if you prefer.  琼恩耸耸肩。那儿有热苹果酒可喝,不然你也可以喝烫过的葡萄酒。
  Some nights Dareon sings for us, if the mood is on him. He was a singer, before...well, not truly, but almost, an apprentice singer. 戴利恩心情好的话,会唱歌给我们听。来这儿之前,他原本…呃,是个歌手,嗯,可能不很专业啦,但挺不赖,算是未出师的歌手罢。
  How did he come here? Sam asked. 他怎么会来这儿?山姆问。
  Lord Rowan of Goldengrove found him in bed with his daughter.  金树城的罗宛伯爵发现女儿被他睡了。
  The girl was two years older, and Dareon swears she helped him through her window, but under her father's eye she named it rape, so here he is.  那个女的大他两岁,戴利恩发誓是她帮他爬进卧室窗户的,可在父亲严厉的目光下,她指称自己是被强暴,于是他就来啦。
  When Maester Aemon heard him sing, he said his voice was honey poured over thunder. Jon smiled.  伊蒙师傅听过他唱歌后,说他的声音像加了蜜的雷。琼恩微笑。
  Toad sometimes sings too, if you call it singing. Drinking songs he learned in his father's winesink.  陶德有时也唱歌,如果你把那也算做是歌的话。他都唱些打他爹那儿学来的饮酒歌。
  Pyp says his voice is piss poured over a fart. They laughed at that together. 派普说他的声音是加了尿的屁。两人齐声哈哈大笑。
  I should like to hear them both, Sam admitted, but they would not want me there. His face was troubled. He's going to make me fight again on the morrow, isn't he? 他们两人的歌声我都想听听,山姆承认。但他们不会欢迎我的。他满脸愁容道,他明天还会逼我打架,对吧?
  He is, Jon was forced to say. 没错。琼恩很不情愿地说。