冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第356期:第二十二章 琼恩(18)(在线收听

  Sam got awkwardly to his feet. I had better try to sleep. He huddled down in his cloak and plodded off. 山姆蹒跚地站起身。我想办法睡一会儿好了。他裹紧斗篷离开。
  The others were still in the common room when Jon returned, alone but for Ghost.Where have you been? Pyp asked. 琼恩带着白灵回到大厅时,其他人都还在。你跑哪儿去啦?派普问。
  Talking with Sam, he said. 跟山姆聊天。他说。
  He truly is craven, said Grenn. At supper, there were still places on the bench when he got his pie, but he was too scared to come sit with us. 他实在窝囊透顶,葛兰道,晚上吃饭,长凳上明明还有空位,可他拿了馅饼偏偏就不敢过来跟我们一起坐。
  The Lord of Ham thinks he's too good to eat with the likes of us, suggested Jeren. 火腿大人太尊贵啦,不跟我们这种人同桌用饭的。杰伦猜测。
  I saw him eat a pork pie, Toad said, smirking. Do you think it was a brother? He began to make oinking noises. 你们看看他吃猪肉饼的样子,陶德狞笑道,简直就是在跟兄弟叙旧。说完他学起了猪叫。
  Stop it! Jon snapped angrily. 闭嘴!琼恩愤怒地斥道。
  The other boys fell silent, taken aback by his sudden fury. Listen to me, Jon said into the quiet, and he told them how it was going to be.  其他男孩被他突如其来的怒气吓住,纷纷沉默下来。听我说。琼恩平静地告诉他们该怎么做。
  Pyp backed him, as he'd known he would, but when Halder spoke up, it was a pleasant surprise.  如他所料,派普站在他这边,但令人惊喜的是霍德也表示支持。
  Grenn was anxious at the first, but Jon knew the words to move him. One by one the rest fell in line.  葛兰起初还有些犹豫,但琼恩知道怎样才能说动他。其他人也纷纷同意。
  Jon persuaded some, cajoled some, shamed the others, made threats where threats were required. At the end they had all agreed...all but Rast. 琼恩或好言劝说,或以利相诱,有时出言羞辱,必要的话也用武力要挟。最后所有人都愿意照他的话去做…只有雷斯特不肯。
  You girls do as you please, Rast said, but if Thorne sends me against Lady Piggy, I'm going to slice me off a rasher of bacon.  你们要孬种就孬种罢,雷斯特说,但如果索恩叫我跟猪小姐打,我可是会好好切他一大块火腿下来。
  He laughed in Jon's face and left them there. 他当着琼恩的面冷笑两声,转身便走。