冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第357期:第二十二章 琼恩(19)(在线收听

   Hours later, as the castle slept, three of them paid a call on his cell. Grenn held his arms while Pyp sat on his legs.  几小时后,当全城的人都在沉睡时,他们三个到他寝室去了一趟。当葛兰抓住他的手,派普坐上他的腿,

  Jon could hear Rast's rapid breathing as Ghost leapt onto his chest.  白灵扑到他胸膛的时候,琼恩可以听见雷斯特急促的喘息。
  The direwolf's eyes burned red as embers as his teeth nipped lightly at the soft skin of the boy's throat, just enough to draw blood.  冰原狼的两眼如一对彤红的火烬,他用牙齿轻轻划破男孩喉咙柔软的皮肤,微微见血。
  Remember, we know where you sleep, Jon said softly. 别忘了,我们知道你睡在哪儿。琼恩轻声说。
  The next morning Jon heard Rast tell Albett and Toad how his razor had slipped while he shaved. 隔天早上,琼恩听见雷斯特对阿贝特和陶德解释,说他刮胡子的时候如何不小心被剃刀刮伤。
  From that day forth, neither Rast nor any of the others would hurt Samwell Tarly.  从那天起,不论是雷斯特或其他人,谁都不会伤害山姆威尔·塔利。
  When Ser Alliser matched them against him, they would stand their ground and swat aside his slow, clumsy strokes.  若艾里沙爵士要他们和他单打,他们就站在原地,拨开他缓慢笨拙的攻击。
  If the master-at-arms screamed for an attack, they would dance in and tap Sam lightly on breastplate or helm or leg.  假如教头扯着喉咙叫他们进攻,他们便跳到山姆身边,然后轻轻地在他胸甲、头盔或脚上点一记。
  Ser Alliser raged and threatened and called them all cravens and women and worse, yet Sam remained unhurt.  艾里沙爵士气得半死,出言胁迫,骂他们是懦夫、娘娘腔,什么难听的话都出了笼,但依旧没人动山姆半根汗毛。
  A few nights later, at Jon's urging, he joined them for the evening meal, taking a place on the bench beside Halder.  几天后的一个晚上,他在琼恩的敦促下,坐在霍德旁边跟大家一起吃晚餐。
  It was another fortnight before he found the nerve to join their talk, but in time he was laughing at Pyp's faces and teasing Grenn with the best of them. 之后又过了两个星期,他才鼓起勇气加入谈话,很快就跟其他人一样,被派普的鬼脸逗得哈哈大笑,然后开起葛兰的玩笑来。
  Fat and awkward and frightened he might be, but Samwell Tarly was no fool.  山姆威尔·塔利虽然臃肿笨拙,胆子又小,但他可不笨。
  One night he visited Jon in his cell. I don't know what you did, he said, but I know you did it. He looked away shyly. I've never had a friend before. 有天夜里,他来到琼恩的寝室,我不知道你做了什么,他说:但我知道是你做的。他害羞地转开视线。我本来一个朋友也没有。