冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第359期:第二十三章 艾德(1)(在线收听

   It's the Hand's tourney that's the cause of all the trouble, my lords, the Commander of the City Watch complained to the king's council. 诸位大人,这些麻烦都是首相的比武大会带来的。都城守备队的司令官向御前会议抱怨。

  The king's tourney, Ned corrected, wincing. I assure you, the Hand wants no part of it. 国王的比武大会,奈德皱着眉头纠正他,我跟你保证,首相对这事一点兴趣都没有。
  Call it what you will, my lord. Knights have been arriving from all over the realm, and for every knight we get two freeriders, three craftsmen,  您怎么说都行,大人,可事实是全国各地的骑士陆陆续续都来了哪。而每来一个骑士呢,跟着就来两个自由骑手、三个工匠、
  six men-at-arms, a dozen merchants, two dozen whores, and more thieves than I dare guess.  六个大兵、一打生意人、两打妓女,至于小偷,多到我猜都不敢猜。
  This cursed heat had half the city in a fever to start, and now with all these visitors. 这该死的热天已经害城里半数人热得晕头转向,现在又来这么多家伙…
  last night we had a drowning, a tavern riot, three knife fights, a rape, two fires, robberies beyond count, and a drunken horse race down the Street of the Sisters.  昨儿晚上就有人溺死,外加一起酒馆暴乱,三起持刀械斗,一起强奸案,两场火灾,抢劫数不清啦,还有匹喝醉的马冲到修女街去了。
  The night before a woman's head was found in the Great Sept, floating in the rainbow pool.  前天呢,则有个女人的头被人发现漂在大圣堂的彩虹池里,
  No one seems to know how it got there or who it belongs to. 没人知道那颗头是打哪儿来的,也没人知道那是谁的头。
  How dreadful, Varys said with a shudder. 真是吓人哟。瓦里斯打着哆嗦。
  Lord Renly Baratheon was less sympathetic. If you cannot keep the king's peace, Janos, perhaps the City Watch should be commanded by someone who can. 蓝礼·拜拉席恩公爵可没他这么好心。我说啊,杰诺斯,你要是连城里的秩序都无法维持,恐怕都城守卫队得换个有办法的人来当司令啰。
  Stout, jowly Janos Slynt puffed himself up like an angry frog, his bald pate reddening. Aegon the Dragon himself could not keep the peace, Lord Renly. I need more men. 史林特生得高头大马,一副双下巴,他听了这话立刻变得跟青蛙一样气鼓鼓的,光头顿时红了起来。蓝礼大人,就算龙王伊耿再世也管不住。我需要人手。
  How many? Ned asked, leaning forward. As ever, Robert had not troubled himself to attend the council session, so it fell to his Hand to speak for him. 你要多少人?奈德倾身向前问。依惯例,劳勃又没参加会议,所以他这个国王之手只好代为发言。