冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第360期:第二十三章 艾德(2)(在线收听

   As many as can be gotten, Lord Hand. 首相大人,当然是越多越好。

  Hire fifty new men, Ned told him. Lord Baelish will see that you get the coin. 那就雇五十个新兵,奈德告诉他,钱的事交给贝里席大人打点。
  I will? Littlefinger said. 我打点?小指头说。
  You will. You found forty thousand golden dragons for a champion's purse, surely you can scrape together a few coppers to keep the king's peace.  没错。既然你连比武冠军的四万金龙赏金都筹得出,多弄几个铜板维持城里秩序想必不成问题。
  Ned turned back to Janos Slynt. I will also give you twenty good swords from my own household guard, to serve with the Watch until the crowds have left. 奈德转头对杰诺斯·史林特道,我再从我的贴身护卫中拨二十个人给你,直到城里这批人离开为止。
  All thanks, Lord Hand, Slynt said, bowing. I promise you, they shall be put to good use. 非常感谢,首相大人。史林特鞠躬,我向您保证,一定让他们派上用场。
  When the Commander had taken his leave, Eddard Stark turned to the rest of the council. The sooner this folly is done with, the better I shall like it.  司令官离开后,奈德转向在场重臣:这场闹剧早一天结束,我就早一天安心。
  As if the expense and trouble were not irksome enough, all and sundry insisted on salting Ned's wound by calling it the Hand's tourney, as if he were the cause of it.  仿佛筹措经费和接踵而至的麻烦还不够他受,所有的闲杂人等都把这叫做首相的比武大会,这无疑是在伤口上洒盐,好像他才是罪魁祸首。
  And Robert honestly seemed to think he should feel honored! 而劳勃竟当真以为他应该为此感到光荣!
  The realm prospers from such events, my lord, Grand Maester Pycelle said. They bring the great the chance of glory, and the lowly a respite from their woes. 王国就是因为这种事才兴盛的啊,大人。派席尔国师说,对上等阶级而言,这是求取荣耀的大好时机。至于穷苦老百姓嘛,也能因此暂时忘忧解愁。
  And put coins in many a pocket, Littlefinger added. Every inn in the city is full, and the whores are walking bowlegged and jingling with each step. 很多人还能藉此大捞一笔,小指头补充,城里的旅店通通客满,妓女接客接到脚都合不拢,走起路来口袋里的铜板响叮当。
  Lord Renly laughed. We're fortunate my brother Stannis is not with us. Remember the time he proposed to outlaw brothels?  蓝礼公爵哈哈大笑:还好我二哥史坦尼斯不在。记不记得那次他提议查禁妓院?