冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第361期:第二十三章 艾德(3)(在线收听

   The king asked him if perhaps he'd like to outlaw eating, shitting, and breathing while he was at it.  结果国王问他说要不要顺便连吃饭、拉屎、呼吸也统统禁了算了。

  If truth be told, I ofttimes wonder how Stannis ever got that ugly daughter of his.  老实讲,有时候我真怀疑史坦尼斯那个丑女儿是怎么来的。
  He goes to his marriage bed like a man marching to a battlefield, with a grim look in his eyes and a determination to do his duty. 老哥他上床简直跟上战场一样,眼神庄严肃穆,打定主意要履行他的责任。
  Ned had not joined the laughter. I wonder about your brother Stannis as well.  奈德没有跟着笑。我也在想你哥哥史坦尼斯的事。
  I wonder when he intends to end his visit to Dragonstone and resume his seat on this council. 不知他何时才会结束龙石岛的探访,重新回到岗位。
  No doubt as soon as we've scourged all those whores into the sea, Littlefinger replied, provoking more laughter. 只要我们把妓女统统赶进海里,他就会马上回来了罢。小指头此话一出,其他人笑得更厉害了。
  I have heard quite enough about whores for one day, Ned said, rising. Until the morrow. 关于妓女的事,我今天也听够了。奈德起身说,就到此为止。
  Harwin had the door when Ned returned to the Tower of the Hand. Summon Jory to my chambers and tell your father to saddle my horse, Ned told him, too brusquely. 奈德回到首相塔时,守门的是哈尔温。叫乔里到我房间来,然后叫你爹帮我备好马鞍。奈德告诉他,口气稍冲了点。
  As you say, my lord. 是的,老爷。
  The Red Keep and the Hand's tourney were chafing him raw, Ned reflected as he climbed.  红堡里的御前会议和这所谓首相的比武大会让他满心不耐,奈德边爬楼梯边想。
  He yearned for the comfort of Catelyn's arms, for the sounds of Robb and Jon crossing swords in the practice yard, for the cool days and cold nights of the north. 此刻他好想念凯特琳的怀抱,想念罗柏和琼恩在场子里练剑的声音,想念北方的凉爽白昼和清寒冷夜。
  In his chambers he stripped off his council silks and sat for a moment with the book while he waited for Jory to arrive.  进房后他褪去重臣穿的正式丝衣,坐着看了会儿书,等待乔里。
  The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms, With Descliptions of Many High Lords and Noble Ladies and Their Children, by Grand Maester Malleon.  这本书全名是七国主要贵族之世家谱系与历史内附关于许多爵爷夫人和他们子女的描述,由梅利恩国师所撰。