冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第364期:第二十三章 艾德(6)(在线收听

 And while Robert had been riding north to Winterfell, Stannis had removed himself to Dragonstone, the Targaryen island fastness he had conquered in his brother's name.  当劳勃北访临冬城时,史坦尼斯也躲回了龙石岛—那座多年前他以哥哥的名义,

He had given no word as to when he might return. Where did they go on these rides? Ned asked. 从坦格利安家族手中夺来的海岛要塞—并只字未提何时归来。他们都骑马上哪儿?奈德问。
The boy says that they visited a brothel. 那小子说上妓院去。
A brothel? Ned said. The Lord of the Eyrie and Hand of the King visited a brothel with Stannis Baratheon?  上妓院?奈德道,鹰巢城公爵、御前首相和史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩一起上妓院?
He shook his head, incredulous, wondering what Lord Renly would make of this tidbit. 他难以置信地摇头,心里暗想要是蓝礼大人听了不知会作何反应。
Robert's lusts were the subject of ribald drinking songs throughout the realm, but Stannis was a different sort of man;  劳勃性好渔色举国皆知,成天有人拿来编歌取笑,但史坦尼斯可不一样。
a bare year younger than the king, yet utterly unlike him, stern, humorless, unforgiving, grim in his sense of duty. 他虽只比国王小一岁,个性却是天壤之别:严峻、缺乏幽默感,从不轻易宽恕他人,重视责任到几近冷酷的地步。
The boy insists it's true. The Hand took three guardsmen with him, and the boy says they were joking of it when he took their horses afterward. 小伙子坚持说这是真的。首相大人随身带了三个侍卫,小伙子说事后帮他们牵马时,听见他们拿这事开玩笑。
Which brothel? Ned asked. 是哪家妓院?奈德问。
The boy did not know. The guards would. 小伙子也不知道,那几个侍卫应该知道。
A pity Lysa carried them off to the Vale, Ned said dryly.  只可惜莱莎把他们都带回艾林谷去了。奈德干涩地说,
The gods are doing their best to vex us.Lady Lysa, Maester Colemon,  诸神真是想尽办法阻挠我们。莱莎夫人、柯蒙学士,
Lord Stannis...everyone who might actually know the truth of what happened to Jon Arryn is a thousand leagues away. 还有史坦尼斯大人…每一个可能知道真相的人都在千里之外。
Will you summon Lord Stannis back from Dragonstone? 您要不要把史坦尼斯大人从龙石岛给召回来?
Not yet, Ned said. Not until I have a better notion of what this is all about and where he stands.  还不是时候,奈德道,等我进一步了解内情,并弄清楚他站在哪一边再说。
The matter nagged at him. Why did Stannis leave? Had he played some part in Jon Arryn's murder? Or was he afraid?  这事真教他心烦。史坦尼斯为何离开?难道谋害琼恩·艾林他也有份?难道他在害怕?