冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第366期:第二十三章 艾德(8)(在线收听

   That would be a stroke of fortune, my lord, Jory said. 那可就真是诸神眷顾了,老爷。乔里说。

  Ned buckled on a longsword. In other words, not bloody likely. His smile was grim. 奈德系上一柄长剑。换言之,大概他妈的不可能。他无奈地笑笑。
  Jory draped Ned's cloak across his shoulders and clasped it at the throat with the Hand's badge of office.  乔里把奈德的披风搭上他的肩膀,在喉咙的地方用首相的徽章扣住。
  The armorer lives above his shop, in a large house at the top of the Street of Steel. Alyn knows the way, my lord. 这武器师傅住在他店面楼上,就钢铁街顶的一栋大房子。埃林认得路,老爷。
  Ned nodded.  奈德点点头。
  The gods help this potboy if he's sent me off haring after shadows.  要是这拉车小厮撒谎,就只有天上诸神能救他了。
  It was a slim enough staff to lean on, but the Jon Arryn that Ned Stark had known was not one to wear jeweled and silvered plate.  虽然这实在不像是条可靠的线索,但奈德·史塔克所认识的琼恩·艾林可不会穿什么镶珠宝的银铠甲。
  Steel was steel; it was meant for protection, not ornament.  他说过:铠甲就是铠甲,用来防身,而非装饰。
  He might have changed his views, to be sure.  当然,他也有可能改变想法,
  He would scarcely have been the first man who came to look on things differently after a few years at court...but the change was marked enough to make Ned wonder. 在宫里待过十几年,再怎么也不可能和从前一模一样…然而这个转变未免太大,奈德实在无法释怀。
  Is there any other service I might perform? 还有什么需要我效劳?
  I suppose you'd best begin visiting whorehouses. 你可以准备上妓院了。
  Hard duty, my lord. Jory grinned.  老爷,这是苦差事啊。乔里嘻嘻笑道。
  The men will be glad to help. Porther has made a fair start already. 我想大伙儿都会很乐意帮忙,波瑟早就迫不及待,自己先去了。
  Ned's favorite horse was saddled and waiting in the yard.Varly and Jacks fell in beside him as he rode through the yard.  奈德最心爱的坐骑已经上好马鞍,正在庭院里等他。他穿过场子,瓦利和杰克斯一左一右跟了上来。
  Their steel caps and shirts of mail must have been sweltering, yet they said no word of complaint.  在这种大热天,穿戴钢头盔和铠甲一定汗流浃背,但他们半声怨言也无。
  As Lord Eddard passed beneath the King's Gate into the stink of the city, his grey and white cloak streaming from his shoulders, 艾德公爵身披灰白相间的长披风,策马穿过国王大门,进入臭气四溢的城区,
  he saw eyes everywhere and kicked his mount into a trot.  立时感觉到四处都是眼线。他一踢马肚,绝尘而去。
  His guard followed. 两名侍卫紧跟在后。