冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第367期:第二十三章 艾德(9)(在线收听

   He looked behind him frequently as they made their way through the crowded city streets.  他们在拥挤的街道间穿梭,他频频回头。

  Tomard and Desmond had left the castle early this morning to take up positions on the route they must take, and watch for anyone following them,  虽说托马德和戴斯蒙今天一大早便离开城堡,守在他们必经之路上,负责注意是否有人跟踪,
  but even so, Ned was uncertain. 但奈德还是不放心。
  The shadow of the King's Spider and his little birds had him fretting like a maiden on her wedding night. 活在国王的八脚蜘蛛及其鹰犬的阴影下,他就像洞房花烛夜的新嫁娘一样害怕。
  The Street of Steel began at the market square beside the River Gate, as it was named on maps, or the Mud Gate, as it was commonly called.  钢铁街从临河门旁的市集广场开始延伸。这临河门乃是地图上标记的名字,老百姓平常都唤它作烂泥门。
  A mummer on stilts was striding through the throngs like some great insect, with a horde of barefoot children trailing behind him, hooting.  街上,有个戏子正踩着高跷,像只巨型怪虫般大跨步走在人群里,后面跟了一大群光着脚丫的小孩,尖声怪叫着。
  Elsewhere, two ragged boys no older than Bran were dueling with sticks, to the loud encouragement of some and the furious curses of others.  另外一边则有两个衣衫褴褛,年纪跟布兰差不多的男孩正拿着木棍来往比划,围观群众有的大声喝采,有的气恼咒骂。
  An old woman ended the contest by leaning out of her window and emptying a bucket of slops on the heads of the combatants.  最后一名老太婆从窗户里探出头,把一桶洗脚水倒在两个男生头上,才算终止了这场打斗。
  In the shadow of the wall, farmers stood beside their wagons, bellowing out, Apples, the best apples, cheap at twice the price,  农民们躲在城墙的阴影下,站在他们的货车旁高声吆喝着:苹果,上好的苹果哟,价钱再高一倍你都会觉得便宜哟,
  and Blood melons, sweet as honey, and Turnips, onions, roots, here you go here, here you go, turnips, onions, roots, here you go here. 或是来买血甜瓜喔,甜得跟蜂蜜一样喔!以及大头菜、洋葱、马铃薯,来来来,大头菜、洋葱、马铃薯哟,来来来喔!
  The Mud Gate was open, and a squad of City Watchmen stood under the portcullis in their golden cloaks, leaning on spears.  烂泥门大大敞开,一小队都城守卫肩披制式的金色披风,拄着长矛站在闸门下。
  When a column of riders appeared from the west, the guardsmen sprang into action,  眼看西边来了一群排成纵队骑马飞奔的人,守卫们急忙发号施令,
  shouting commands and moving the carts and foot traffic aside to let the knight enter with his escort.  把挡路的推车和行人赶开,好让骑士和他的随从通过。