冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第369期:第二十三章 艾德(11)(在线收听

   The slim young serving girl took quick note of Ned's badge and the sigil on his doublet, and the master came hurrying out, all smiles and bows.  瘦小的女侍眼尖,立刻认出奈德的徽章和背心上的家徽,没过多久屋主便急急忙忙出来迎接,满脸堆笑,忙着打躬作揖。

  Wine for the King's Hand, he told the girl, gesturing Ned to a couch.  快帮首相大人倒酒。他对女孩说,然后示意奈德在长椅落座。
  I am Tobho Mott, my lord, please, please, put yourself at ease.  大人,我叫托布·莫特,您请坐,把这儿当自个儿家罢。
  He wore a black velvet coat with hammers embroidered on the sleeves in silver thread, Around his neck was a heavy silver chain and a sapphire as large as a pigeon's egg.  他穿着黑天鹅绒外套,袖子上用银线绣了铁锤的图案,颈项间则戴了条沉重的银链,上面那颗蓝宝石有鸽子蛋那么大。
  If you are in need of new arms for the Hand's tourney, you have come to the right shop.  如果您需要在首相比武大会上穿的新铠甲,那您可来对地方了。
  Ned did not bother to correct him. My work is costly, and I make no apologies for that, my lord, he said as he filled two matching silver goblets.  奈德已经懒得纠正了。大人,我做的东西要价很高,这我自己也承认,他边说边把两只成对的银制高脚杯斟满酒。
  You will not find craftsmanship equal to mine anywhere in the Seven Kingdoms, I promise you.  不过我敢跟您保证,七国上下再找不到手艺能跟我比的人。
  Visit every forge in King's Landing if you like, and compare for yourself.  您若是不信,大可把君临每一家打铁铺都走过一遍,自己比较比较。
  Any village smith can hammer out a shirt of mail; my work is art. 其实打件盔甲,随便一个乡下铁匠都会。我打出来的是艺术品。
  Ned sipped his wine and let the man go on.  奈德啜着酒,听他继续往下说。
  The Knight of Flowers bought all his armor here, Tobho boasted, and many high lords, the ones who knew fine steel, and even Lord Renly, the king's own brother.  照托布吹嘘,不仅百花骑士整套铠甲都是在这里买的,许多真正识货的官家老爷也都是常客,更别提国王陛下的亲弟弟蓝礼大人了。
  Perhaps the Hand had seen Lord Renly's new armor, the green plate with the golden antlers?  不知首相大人可曾见过蓝礼大人的新行头?就是那件绿甲和黄金鹿角盔。
  No other armorer in the city could get that deep a green; he knew the secret of putting color in the steel itself, paint and enamel were the crutches of a journeyman.  除了他,城里没有别的武器师傅能做出那么深的绿色,因为他小时候在科霍尔当学徒时学会了将颜色渗进精钢里的秘诀,相较之下,涂漆或上釉根本只是小孩子把戏。