冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第370期:第二十三章 艾德(12)(在线收听

   Or mayhaps the Hand wanted a blade?  还是首相大人要把好剑?

  Tobho had learned to work Valyrian steel at the forges of Qohor as a boy.  托布说他在科霍尔也习得了打造瓦雷利亚钢的技术,
  Only a man who knew the spells could take old weapons and forge them anew.  只有知道正确咒语的人才有办法使老旧的武器焕然一新。
  The direwolf is the sigil of House Stark, is it not? I could fashion a direwolf helm so real that children will run from you in the street, he vowed. 史塔克家族的纹章是冰原狼,对不对?我可以帮您打顶冰原狼头盔,保管走在路上小孩看了就跑。他拍胸脯保证。
  Ned smiled. Did you make a falcon helm for Lord Arryn? 奈德微微一笑。这么说来,你也帮艾林大人打了顶猎鹰头盔?
  Tobho Mott paused a long moment and set aside his wine. The Hand did call upon me, with Lord Stannis, the king's brother.  托布·莫特闻言,停顿了很长时间,最后他放下酒杯:首相大人他是找过我,跟国王陛下的大弟史坦尼斯大人一起来的。
  I regret to say, they did not honor me with their patronage. 遗憾的是我没那个荣幸,不曾为他们效劳。
  Ned looked at the man evenly, saying nothing, waiting. He had found over the years that silence sometimes yielded more than questions.  奈德平静地看着他,什么也不说,只静静地等待。这些年来,他发现沉默常常比发问更有效,
  And so it was this time. 眼下正是如此。
  They asked to see the boy, the armorer said, so I took them back to the forge. 他们说要见见那孩子,武器师傅道,所以我带他们去了锻炉。
  The boy, Ned echoed. He had no notion who the boy might be. I should like to see the boy as well. 那孩子,奈德跟着重复。他根本不知道那孩子是谁。我也想见见那孩子。
  Tobho Mott gave him a cool, careful look.  托布·莫特冷静而谨慎地看了他一眼。
  As you wish, my lord, he said with no trace of his former friendliness.  遵命,大人。他先前的友善语气已经消失无踪。
  He led Ned out a rear door and across a narrow yard, back to the cavernous stone barn where the work was done.  他领着奈德走出后门,穿越一个狭长的庭院,进入宽敞的石砌谷仓,铁匠铺的实际工作就是在这里进行。
  When the armorer opened the door, the blast of hot air that came through made Ned feel as though he were walking into a dragon's mouth.  武器师傅刚开门,一股热气便向外喷涌而出,教奈德觉得自己仿佛要步入火龙口中。